Nickname: YukonYaks
Fantasy Player Rank: #1381

51 Money League Teams

All-ProJalapeno GerbersinAnd Justice For All
All-ProRefurbished RegulatorsinFun and games
All-ProSatyrical SalamandersinSuperflex Football
EliminatorAnchovy Pop TartsinEliminate This!
EliminatorPolarized PretzelsinOnside Kick
EliminatorSugar Frosted FritosinSadie's Domain
EliminatorTarnished TrampolinesinThe Sack Attack
EliminatorYellowstone YaksinBattleHawks Nation
Turkey BowlYukonyaksin
Super ShootoutYukonyaksin
Super ShootoutYukonyaksin
Super ShootoutYukonyaksin
FaceoffDrunken DermatologistsinDallas 100 Bracket 14
FaceoffBaffled BuffonsinLas Vegas 50 Bracket 16
FaceoffLazy LizardsinKansas City 50 Bracket 13
FaceoffPrincipled PancakesinNew England 50 Bracket 14
FaceoffRadical RaccoonsinBuffalo 50 Bracket 15
FaceoffGrizzled GranolainNew Orleans 20 Bracket 13
FaceoffPetrified PecansinTampa Bay 20 Bracket 15
FaceoffPontificating PretzelsinJacksonville 20 Bracket 14
FaceoffTraumatized TadpolesinAtlanta 20 Bracket 12
KotMYakkity Yaks 1in
KotMYakkity Yaks 2in
Draft MastersLavender LollipopsinSit and Go 50 XVII
Draft MastersYukonyaksinSit and Go 20 LIX
DimesYakkity YaksinDimes Best Ball 432
DimesYakkity YaksinDimes Best Ball SFlex 428
DimesYakkity YaksinDimes Best Ball 385
DimesYakkity Yaks 1inDimes Best Ball 334
DimesYakkity Yaks 2inDimes Best Ball 343
Draft Slot123456789101112

YukonYaks is a Foe of

Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000