Nickname: BigP-LittleD
Fantasy Player Rank: #712

45 Money League Teams

ChampionshipP4P1-TFCinFantasy Championship Slow 4hr IV
ChampionshipP4P10- TFCinFantasy Championship Slow 1hr I
ChampionshipP4P11- TFCinFantasy Championship Slow 2hr I
ChampionshipP4P2-TFCinFantasy Championship Slow 4hr V
ChampionshipP4P3- TFCinFantasy Championship Slow 4hr VII
ChampionshipP4P6inFantasy Championship Slow 8hr L
ChampionshipP4P7- ChampinFantasy Championship Slow 4hr XXI
RTFFC ClassicP4P-4inRTFFC Red 7
RTFFC ClassicP4P5inRTFFC White 7
RTFFC ClassicP4P8- TFCinRTFFC Black 13
RTFFC ClassicP4P9-TFCinRTFFC Green 12
OvertimeLVL1- 125inPlayoff Time! JOIN
OvertimeLVL4- 50inWicked JOIN
OvertimeLVL3- 20inDreams and Nightmares
Best BallA4A1 - 20inBest Ball Championship 24
Best BallA4A2- 20inBest Ball Championship 27
Best Ball ScoutA4A-1inBest Ball SCOUT 125
Best Ball ScoutScout 16inBest Ball SCOUT 135
Best Ball ScoutScout 26inBest Ball SCOUT 177
Playoff BlitzLVL2 - 20inBest Ball Playoff Blitz 3 JOIN
Playoff BlitzLVL5- 20inBest Ball Playoff Blitz 4
Playoff BlitzLVL6- 20inBest Ball Playoff Blitz 5 JOIN
Draft MastersBPLD13-50inSit and Go 50 XIX
DimesBPLD1inDimes Best Ball 326
DimesBPLD1- 10inDimes Best Ball SFlex 324
DimesBPLD10- 10inDimes Best Ball SFlex 511
DimesBPLD12- 10inDimes Best Ball SFlex 1083
DimesBPLD14-10inDimes Best Ball 1076
DimesBPLD3-10inDimes Best Ball SFlex 369
DimesBPLD4inDimes Best Ball 370
DimesBPLD5- 10inDimes Best Ball SFlex 495
DimesBPLD7-10inDimes Best Ball SFlex 498
DimesBPLD8-10inDimes Best Ball 513
DimesP PrizeinDimes Best Ball SFlx 48
Just TDsJSTD1inJust TDs 176
Just TDsJSTD2inJust TDs 186
Draft MastersP4P2 - 50inSit and Go 4hr 50 I DM
Draft MastersP4P5- 50inSit and Go 4hr 50 II DM
Draft MastersP4P6- 50inSit and Go 4hr 50 III DM
Draft MastersP4P1- 20inSit and Go 4hr 20 II DM
DimesHard-enmunityinDimes Best Ball 119
DimesHard-Enmunity 2inDimes Best Ball 120
DimesHard-Enmunity 3inDimes Best Ball 122
DimesHard-Enmunity 5inDimes Best Ball 129
DimesHard-Enmunity4inDimes Best Ball 123
Draft Slot123456789101112

BigP-LittleD is a Foe of

Player Experience


State Definition:
Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000