Nickname: AClauhs
Fantasy Player Rank: #846

37 Money League Teams

Turkey BowlPrestige Worldwide TB Iin
Turkey BowlPrestige Worldwide TB Iin
Turkey BowlPrestige Worldwide TB Iin
Turkey BowlPrestige Worldwide TB Iin
Turkey BowlPrestige Worldwide TB Vin
Best BallPrestige Worldwide IVinBest Ball Championship 282
Best BallPrestige Worldwide IXinBest Ball Championship 675
Best BallPrestige Worldwide VIIinBest Ball Championship 504
Best BallPrestige Worldwide XIIIinBest Ball Championship 1110
Best BallPrestige Worldwide XIIIinBest Ball Championship 963
Best BallPrestige Worldwide XIVinBest Ball Championship 1571
Best BallPrestige Worldwide XIVinBest Ball Championship 1084
Best BallPrestige Worldwide XVIinBest Ball Championship 1272
Best BallSign Snatchers XIinBest Ball Championship 861
Draft MastersPrestige Worldwide VinSit and Go 20 X
Draft MastersPrestige Worldwide VIinSMART Fantasy 6-20
Draft MastersPrestige Worldwide XIIinSit and Go 20 XXXV
Draft MastersPrestige Worldwide XVIIinSit and Go 20 LVI
DimesPrestige Worldwide IinDimes Best Ball 116
DimesPrestige Worldwide IIinDimes Best Ball 128
DimesPrestige Worldwide IIIinDimes Best Ball 143
DimesPrestige Worldwide VIIIinDimes Best Ball 228
DimesPrestige Worldwide XinDimes Best Ball SFlex 290
DimesPrestige Worldwide XVinDimes Best Ball 442
DimesPrestige Worldwide XVIIinDimes Best Ball 509
DimesPrestige Worldwide XXinDimes Best Ball 528
Dynasty H2HSign Snatchers 25 D1inBarracuda
Dynasty H2HSign Snatchers 25 D2inDouble Header
Best BallSign Snatchers 25 IXinBest Ball Championship 2352
Best BallSign Snatchers 25 VIinBest Ball Championship 2339
Draft MastersSign Snatchers 25 IIinBest Ball 20 8hr I
Draft MastersSign Snatchers 25 VinBest Ball 20 8hr II
Draft MastersSign Snatchers 25 VIIIinBest Ball 20 8hr III JOIN
DimesSign Snatchers 25 IinDimes Best Ball 664
DimesSign Snatchers 25 IIIinDimes Best Ball 666
DimesSign Snatchers 25 IVinDimes Best Ball 669
DimesSign Snatchers 25 VIIinDimes Best Ball 674
Draft Slot123456789101112

1 Private Commissioner League Team

Full SeasonPrestige WorldwideinJersey Shore Fantasy All Stars

Foes of AClauhs are

Player Experience


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Highly Experienced
Not Highly Experienced

Top 100 Player
Top 1000 Player
Ranked lower than Top 1000