Guest of the League
Monday Night Flex
FFL: Playoff Week 2 | NFL: Week 17
Waiver claim submission deadline: Tue Dec 24 10:59pm CT

Projected: Tue Dec 24 10:59pm CT

1.Super flex 7152024 (1884.60pts)
2.Freedom6 (1924.30pts)
3.Grassroots (1941.70pts)
4.I Really Hate lucifer (1971.35pts)
5.BeachBums (1985.50pts)
6.Falcons (2008.35pts)
7.Colts 1 (2028.10pts)
8.Hot here ** (2079.25pts)
9.Nyr 31 (2117.65pts)
10.Gotta Try This (2384.75pts)
11.07/15- .Wishbone. (2450.20pts)
12.y 07/15 Arthur Sith (2539.50pts)
Waiver Wire Audits