Guest of the League
Smash Mouth Dynasty Est. 2016
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Superbowl


Lawrence Taylor DivisionWinsLossesDivPA in GamesTot Pts
89 Tecmo Bo1046-01913.452420.85
Hoosier State Hoebags1041-41760.402170.05
Dr. Hugh Janus953-21785.851987.90
Hartford Heat591-51977.801628.75
Jack Lambert DivisionWinsLossesDivPA in GamesTot Pts
Dirty Dawg1135-11761.102070.00
Manziel's Cash Grab774-21798.651921.45
Mean Joe Greene DivisionWinsLossesDivPA in GamesTot Pts
Fear Boner1136-01853.552109.45
Best Thang Smokin863-31931.201881.55
SoCal LOCOS2121-41983.651617.85
Hingle McCringleberry1131-41918.501359.60
Explanation of Standings

Regular Season Wins, Losses, and Points