Guest of the League
In the Zone Est. 2023
Dynasty $125 - FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Red DivisionPointsBehind
1. Sneakygood0.00 
2. For Sale 90.00 
3. VS10.00 
4. The Rockford Files0.00 
Blue DivisionPointsBehind
1. Ruzzle Duzzle0.00 
2. Team Walleye0.00 
3. Livewire0.00 
4. Frankfurt Galaxy0.00 
White DivisionPointsBehind
1. Perch Perkins0.00 
2. Haywood0.00 
3. 1.04, Dak, Bucky, BRob, London, Adams, Kupp, Addis0.00 
4. Pocket Aces0.00