Guest of the League
Draft Time! Est. 2022
Dynasty $125 - FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Red DivisionPointsBehindReg SeasonPlayoffs
1. HitEmUpState2239.45 1864.85374.60
2. Fear & Loathing2023.55-215.901587.20436.35
3. Eli Sunday1922.55-316.901573.65348.90
4. *F* BOMB1790.40-449.051470.20320.20
Blue DivisionPointsBehindReg SeasonPlayoffs
1. Tiger Bait D6 125-252295.00 1871.95423.05
2. El Diablo 22096.35-198.651708.00388.35
3. 1.7 AJ hill DIGG wadle JT pollrd KELCE wicks1897.95-397.051601.65296.30
4. Warriors 2024-31821.35-473.651454.25367.10
White DivisionPointsBehindReg SeasonPlayoffs
1. Snoopy Tails2315.40 1907.05408.35
2. Rudy II 20242175.65-139.751716.30459.35
3. Mike Hunts Pet Turtle - 1.022046.95-268.451654.20392.75
4. Drunken Master1719.30-596.101436.45282.85

Points scored including playoff weeks.