Guest of the League
The Empire Est. 2019
Dynasty $250 - FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Red DivisionPointsBehind
1. DaBears510.00 
2. The 5th Dynasty(R)0.00 
3. Chief Counselor X0.00 
4. Pine St. Purple Burners0.00 
Blue DivisionPointsBehind
1. Silence of the Lambs0.00 
2. Bandits 2H0.00 
3. Col. Hans Landa0.00 
4. Slitha Dyn 20.00 
White DivisionPointsBehind
1. Bulldozers0.00 
2. Kingofthenorth0.00 
3. TEAM0.00 
4. SOX0.00