Guest of the League
RIdleys Believe It Or Not
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


SAY WHAT 3145.65
(4-11 1501.95 pts)
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HOMERS xxxx134.40
(10-5 1876 pts)
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VT HOKIES 6131.10
(3-12 1771.9 pts)
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Grey Goose 13126.35
(12-3 1906.8 pts)
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One Man Dynasty121.45
(5-10 1592 pts)
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Texas Tornadoes118.95
(10-5 2020.55 pts)
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(5-10 1878.5 pts)
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Croakers 3103.35
(8-7 1796.3 pts)
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KC Gnomes103.30
(8-7 1869.35 pts)
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April showrz bring Zay Flowrz 297.70
(9-6 1870.05 pts)
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EaglesWin 397.50
(5-10 1766.85 pts)
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Mr Kibbe81.20
(11-4 1840.45 pts)
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League Avg: 114.52
Tie-Breaker Avg: 22.27