Guest of the League
All-American 313
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Superbowl



ZT C114.90
(8-7 1937.35 pts)
Alyona 1164.70
(10-5 2005.25 pts)
GameCast Game CenterFINAL
Frogger 1150.55
(9-6 1872.55 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Fire Dragons 8.22122.45
(9-6 1844.6 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
AA 30 14 (9-5) ELIMINATED117.75
(9-6 1759.4 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Clowns running110.80
(6-9 1738.55 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
LX570 O110.15
(10-5 1811.15 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Belleville Bills 1110.00
(6-9 1770.9 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Silverstreak 197.20
(7-8 1602.15 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Chainmovers 396.70
(6-9 1519.25 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
War Eagle-7774.60
(8-7 1929.5 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
You Got Some Purdy Lips 272.65
(2-13 1431.75 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL

League Avg: 111.87
Tie-Breaker Avg: 21.70