Guest of the League
August 13th
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason



Los Haggis AA 55*113.25
(8-7 1937.15 pts)
Having fun eteinne114.35
(10-5 2102.65 pts)
GameCast Game CenterFINAL
Super auction 81324196.45
(6-9 2008.55 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Im Schiesse163.85
(6-9 1862.3 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
(6-9 1862.35 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Ba Sing Se Turf Benders145.45
(9-6 2127.05 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
(4-11 1782.7 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Brave New Gridiron130.55
(12-3 2280.75 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Love a God Win129.00
(8-7 1889.55 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
The Price is Right BOB124.45
(10-5 2189.8 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Moops! MOOPS!109.75
(6-9 1762.3 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Lineup 196.40
(5-10 1712.95 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL

League Avg: 134.76
Tie-Breaker Avg: 43.81