Guest of the League
American Psycho
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Superbowl



Redskins III119.15
(10-5 1767.85 pts)
Next Chapter 2126.50
(11-4 1969.55 pts)
GameCast Game CenterFINAL
Red Zone167.90
(8-7 2001.8 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Here We Goooooo!153.15
(9-6 1927.55 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
*Bleeding Green AA30 35134.95
(4-11 1751.9 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Chris mac117.90
(3-12 1577.45 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Chanel 21116.60
(6-9 1601.8 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Pandora Bulldogs116.40
(6-9 1642.15 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
(8-7 1754.95 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Craig Rockets100.15
(11-4 1870.05 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
(8-7 1828.25 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Just the Tua Us79.50
(6-9 1671.25 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL

League Avg: 118.75
Tie-Breaker Avg: 23.70