Guest of the League
Best Ball Championship 417
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Superbowl


Strawberry Seahorse 5175.85
(2157.45 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Tulsi XVllll165.45
(2285.4 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
2Junky 13158.45
(2395.4 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Roachmotel 12157.70
(2420.9 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Cheap shot153.85
(2440 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
(2331.75 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Jack Rabbit 11130.40
(2502.05 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
(2506.7 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
MM BB CHAMP 616113.05
(2341.9 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
Fast Times105.10
(2431.8 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL

League Avg: 144.13
Tie-Breaker Avg: 23.88