Guest of the League
Best Ball Championship 49
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


(2704 pts)
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No Rwturn160.45
(2215.05 pts)
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No Ragrets158.00
(2441 pts)
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Hulk Smash 5/7157.15
(2390.6 pts)
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Mystic Dad153.25
(2166.65 pts)
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(2578.55 pts)
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Draft Kings BB22146.70
(2451.55 pts)
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Sausage Sleeve143.10
(2175.6 pts)
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Defense Wins136.00
(2300.7 pts)
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VOTE RED107.35
(2462.5 pts)
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League Avg: 149.06
Tie-Breaker Avg: 27.66