Guest of the League
Draft Time! Est. 2022
Dynasty $125 - FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason



Rudy II 2024131.55
(8-6 1716.3 pts)
(10-4 1864.85 pts)
GameCast Game CenterFINAL

3rd Place

Tiger Bait D6 125-25159.10
(7-7 1871.95 pts)
Snoopy Tails156.00
(10-4 1907.05 pts)
GameCast Game CenterFINAL

Consolation Championship

Mike Hunts Pet Turtle - 1.02120.05
(6-8 1654.2 pts)
Fear & Loathing150.20
(5-9 1587.2 pts)
GameCast Game CenterFINAL

3rd Place

Warriors 2024-3150.75
(5-9 1454.25 pts)
Drunken Master106.60
(4-10 1436.45 pts)
GameCast Game CenterFINAL
Eli Sunday130.65
(6-8 1573.65 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
El Diablo109.65
(9-5 1708 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
1.7 AJ hill DIGG wadle JT pollr90.70
(7-7 1601.65 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL
*F* BOMB89.95
(7-7 1470.2 pts)
ScoreCast OptimalFINAL

League Avg: 124.88
Tie-Breaker Avg: 24.81