Guest of the League
The Best and The Rest Est. 2021
Dynasty $125 - FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Oh Henry My Henry0.00
(0 pts)
ScoreCast Optimal
Krustys Best and the Rest0.00
(0 pts)
ScoreCast Optimal
(0 pts)
ScoreCast Optimal
Fly Route0.00
(0 pts)
ScoreCast Optimal
Captain Luck BBSF8/120.00
(0 pts)
ScoreCast Optimal
Bulldogs 330.00
(0 pts)
ScoreCast Optimal
Break Stuff0.00
(0 pts)
ScoreCast Optimal
BB Who dat ?0.00
(0 pts)
ScoreCast Optimal
(0 pts)
ScoreCast Optimal
7....Yahtzee SF BB0.00
(0 pts)
ScoreCast Optimal
*Butcher Shop0.00
(0 pts)
ScoreCast Optimal
(0 pts)
ScoreCast Optimal

League Avg: 0.00
Tie-Breaker Avg: 0.00