Poseidon's Kiss | 167.70 | vs | Touch of Malice | 132.80 |
I'm working on it | 109.70 | vs | SIC WIT IT | 82.40 |
LORds of the gridiro | 139.60 | vs | Leaf | 84.70 |
Bye Week | 138.70 | vs | Steeltown | 116.60 |
Foxes | 146.60 | vs | TEMP | 93.90 |
Screamin C-Men | 173.30 | vs | Here Comes The Hotst | 96.80 |
SIC WIT IT | 99.70 | vs | Touch of Malice | 133.50 |
Poseidon's Kiss | 118.20 | vs | Leaf | 117.80 |
I'm working on it | 111.10 | vs | Steeltown | 125.80 |
LORds of the gridiro | 131.40 | vs | TEMP | 154.00 |
Bye Week | 191.10 | vs | Here Comes The Hotst | 134.50 |
Foxes | 92.90 | vs | Screamin C-Men | 132.40 |
Leaf | 118.10 | vs | Touch of Malice | 167.40 |
SIC WIT IT | 113.90 | vs | Steeltown | 143.50 |
Poseidon's Kiss | 108.70 | vs | TEMP | 117.40 |
I'm working on it | 162.60 | vs | Here Comes The Hotst | 106.10 |
LORds of the gridiro | 101.30 | vs | Screamin C-Men | 150.30 |
Bye Week | 169.90 | vs | Foxes | 101.30 |
Steeltown | 158.00 | vs | Touch of Malice | 138.40 |
Leaf | 123.70 | vs | TEMP | 107.30 |
SIC WIT IT | 107.90 | vs | Here Comes The Hotst | 118.80 |
Poseidon's Kiss | 128.00 | vs | Screamin C-Men | 125.00 |
I'm working on it | 122.40 | vs | Foxes | 127.00 |
LORds of the gridiro | 116.80 | vs | Bye Week | 135.60 |
TEMP | 146.80 | vs | Touch of Malice | 129.80 |
Steeltown | 142.00 | vs | Here Comes The Hotst | 93.80 |
Leaf | 121.60 | vs | Screamin C-Men | 164.90 |
SIC WIT IT | 115.30 | vs | Foxes | 148.70 |
Poseidon's Kiss | 114.40 | vs | Bye Week | 126.90 |
I'm working on it | 115.20 | vs | LORds of the gridiro | 173.10 |
Here Comes The Hotst | 150.40 | vs | Touch of Malice | 120.30 |
TEMP | 118.90 | vs | Screamin C-Men | 118.70 |
Steeltown | 173.30 | vs | Foxes | 127.00 |
Leaf | 121.40 | vs | Bye Week | 148.60 |
SIC WIT IT | 146.20 | vs | LORds of the gridiro | 97.00 |
Poseidon's Kiss | 121.50 | vs | I'm working on it | 71.50 |
Screamin C-Men | 126.10 | vs | Touch of Malice | 132.80 |
Here Comes The Hotst | 140.30 | vs | Foxes | 124.50 |
TEMP | 125.60 | vs | Bye Week | 126.30 |
Steeltown | 164.50 | vs | LORds of the gridiro | 129.40 |
Leaf | 81.70 | vs | I'm working on it | 70.00 |
SIC WIT IT | 127.20 | vs | Poseidon's Kiss | 93.40 |
Foxes | 117.20 | vs | Touch of Malice | 135.70 |
Screamin C-Men | 133.30 | vs | Bye Week | 176.20 |
Here Comes The Hotst | 127.00 | vs | LORds of the gridiro | 167.40 |
TEMP | 166.90 | vs | I'm working on it | 103.80 |
Steeltown | 136.70 | vs | Poseidon's Kiss | 146.90 |
Leaf | 121.30 | vs | SIC WIT IT | 92.00 |
Bye Week | 160.90 | vs | Touch of Malice | 148.40 |
Foxes | 142.90 | vs | LORds of the gridiro | 115.40 |
Screamin C-Men | 146.60 | vs | I'm working on it | 109.90 |
Here Comes The Hotst | 137.00 | vs | Poseidon's Kiss | 179.40 |
TEMP | 138.10 | vs | SIC WIT IT | 101.70 |
Steeltown | 125.50 | vs | Leaf | 133.40 |
LORds of the gridiro | 125.20 | vs | Touch of Malice | 133.20 |
Bye Week | 149.80 | vs | I'm working on it | 103.40 |
Foxes | 168.20 | vs | Poseidon's Kiss | 99.50 |
Screamin C-Men | 143.80 | vs | SIC WIT IT | 132.90 |
Here Comes The Hotst | 79.90 | vs | Leaf | 83.50 |
TEMP | 120.30 | vs | Steeltown | 153.30 |
I'm working on it | 105.40 | vs | Touch of Malice | 141.30 |
LORds of the gridiro | 130.30 | vs | Poseidon's Kiss | 158.10 |
Bye Week | 205.10 | vs | SIC WIT IT | 78.40 |
Foxes | 139.70 | vs | Leaf | 90.40 |
Screamin C-Men | 162.10 | vs | Steeltown | 147.40 |
Here Comes The Hotst | 121.00 | vs | TEMP | 101.90 |
Poseidon's Kiss | 149.50 | vs | Touch of Malice | 150.80 |
I'm working on it | 150.70 | vs | SIC WIT IT | 148.20 |
LORds of the gridiro | 91.10 | vs | Leaf | 128.50 |
Bye Week | 154.00 | vs | Steeltown | 130.30 |
Foxes | 111.90 | vs | TEMP | 75.60 |
Screamin C-Men | 80.30 | vs | Here Comes The Hotst | 125.80 |
SIC WIT IT | 123.40 | vs | Touch of Malice | 112.60 |
Poseidon's Kiss | 130.90 | vs | Leaf | 147.50 |
I'm working on it | 128.20 | vs | Steeltown | 131.10 |
LORds of the gridiro | 132.00 | vs | TEMP | 105.10 |
Bye Week | 166.90 | vs | Here Comes The Hotst | 114.30 |
Foxes | 186.50 | vs | Screamin C-Men | 162.70 |
Leaf | 117.80 | vs | Touch of Malice | 121.20 |
SIC WIT IT | 121.80 | vs | Steeltown | 139.70 |
Poseidon's Kiss | 175.10 | vs | TEMP | 161.00 |
I'm working on it | 110.50 | vs | Here Comes The Hotst | 88.60 |
LORds of the gridiro | 132.70 | vs | Screamin C-Men | 177.00 |
Bye Week | 139.80 | vs | Foxes | 136.40 |
Poseidon's Kiss | 86.80 | vs | Touch of Malice | 121.20 |
Foxes | 140.60 | vs | Steeltown | 153.30 |
SIC WIT IT | 113.80 | vs | Leaf | 98.70 |
I'm working on it | 128.10 | vs | Here Comes The Hotst | 118.20 |
Touch of Malice | 119.80 | vs | Bye Week | 162.70 |
Steeltown | 149.30 | vs | Screamin C-Men | 155.50 |
I'm working on it | 171.30 | vs | LORds of the gridiro | 101.80 |
SIC WIT IT | 165.60 | vs | TEMP | 137.20 |
Screamin C-Men | 126.00 | vs | Bye Week | 157.10 |
I'm working on it | 118.70 | vs | SIC WIT IT | 91.80 |