Guest of the League
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Week 1 - NFL Week 1

30 trades 3111.60vsZonk 1103.90
xxThe Burdman Cometh118.25vsAZZCLOWNS 24148.95
Broncos 8 3108.00vsRADMAN HOWDY 682.00
AVP5115.60vsLights on but Nobody104.15
Bevda131.45vsRedskins R Real 2135.00

Week 2 - NFL Week 2

30 trades 383.75vsBevda158.85
Zonk 1130.40vsRedskins R Real 2126.45
xxThe Burdman Cometh106.15vsJaguars81.35
AZZCLOWNS 24112.75vsLights on but Nobody126.05
Broncos 8 3159.35vsAVP597.15
RADMAN HOWDY 690.70vswvhighlander92.10

Week 3 - NFL Week 3

30 trades 3115.25vsRADMAN HOWDY 6104.15
Zonk 192.75vsxxThe Burdman Cometh112.65
AZZCLOWNS 24123.55vsAVP5121.35
Broncos 8 3126.55vsBevda100.40
Lights on but Nobody132.60vswvhighlander122.10
Jaguars119.55vsRedskins R Real 2116.00

Week 4 - NFL Week 4

30 trades 3130.85vsLights on but Nobody104.85
Zonk 197.05vsBroncos 8 3124.75
xxThe Burdman Cometh102.95vsRADMAN HOWDY 6100.70
AZZCLOWNS 2490.15vsJaguars139.00
AVP5107.85vsRedskins R Real 2151.85

Week 5 - NFL Week 5

30 trades 3137.75vswvhighlander140.60
Zonk 1141.15vsAZZCLOWNS 24141.95
xxThe Burdman Cometh114.60vsAVP5129.10
Broncos 8 3113.15vsLights on but Nobody99.80
RADMAN HOWDY 6135.75vsRedskins R Real 2111.20

Week 6 - NFL Week 6

30 trades 378.15vsAZZCLOWNS 24151.60
Zonk 193.90vsRADMAN HOWDY 6139.65
xxThe Burdman Cometh74.10vsBroncos 8 3107.20
Lights on but Nobody158.10vsBevda133.95
Jaguars132.35vsRedskins R Real 2116.85

Week 7 - NFL Week 7

30 trades 3114.10vsxxThe Burdman Cometh118.95
Zonk 183.15vsBroncos 8 3117.20
AZZCLOWNS 24138.00vswvhighlander94.55
RADMAN HOWDY 6132.35vsJaguars111.85
Lights on but Nobody89.10vsRedskins R Real 295.90

Week 8 - NFL Week 8

30 trades 3113.00vsBroncos 8 3100.70
Zonk 1186.50vsLights on but Nobody136.50
xxThe Burdman Cometh133.10vswvhighlander102.30
AZZCLOWNS 24119.40vsBevda129.95
RADMAN HOWDY 6106.05vsRedskins R Real 299.80

Week 9 - NFL Week 9

30 trades 3102.05vswvhighlander99.65
Zonk 1144.25vsAVP5123.45
xxThe Burdman Cometh105.00vsLights on but Nobody118.85
AZZCLOWNS 24173.35vsJaguars101.45
Broncos 8 3116.70vsRedskins R Real 2114.45
RADMAN HOWDY 6108.30vsBevda160.50

Week 10 - NFL Week 10

30 trades 3166.55vsAZZCLOWNS 2487.10
Zonk 1120.95vsxxThe Burdman Cometh111.75
Broncos 8 3131.60vsJaguars112.00
RADMAN HOWDY 6135.90vsLights on but Nobody97.60
wvhighlander134.60vsRedskins R Real 282.80

Week 11 - NFL Week 11

30 trades 3120.00vsRedskins R Real 293.25
Zonk 1128.55vswvhighlander93.50
xxThe Burdman Cometh107.85vsBevda111.45
AZZCLOWNS 24138.30vsRADMAN HOWDY 6143.90
Broncos 8 3143.05vsAVP5102.40
Lights on but Nobody140.05vsJaguars145.20

Week 12 - NFL Week 12

30 trades 3113.10vsJaguars132.60
Zonk 1119.55vsBevda110.25
xxThe Burdman Cometh104.20vsLights on but Nobody162.50
AZZCLOWNS 24136.75vsRedskins R Real 2138.45
Broncos 8 382.15vswvhighlander83.35
RADMAN HOWDY 673.65vsAVP597.45

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

30 trades 3125.75vsAVP5111.35
Zonk 1103.60vsJaguars143.30
xxThe Burdman Cometh119.25vsRedskins R Real 2105.85
AZZCLOWNS 24128.60vsBroncos 8 3112.80
RADMAN HOWDY 6130.00vsLights on but Nobody161.40

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

30 trades 3187.65vsZonk 1111.45
xxThe Burdman Cometh98.35vsAZZCLOWNS 2499.60
Broncos 8 387.50vsRADMAN HOWDY 6141.15
AVP5137.55vsLights on but Nobody153.60
Bevda117.80vsRedskins R Real 298.55

Week 15 - NFL Week 15

30 trades 3116.55vsxxThe Burdman Cometh121.95
Zonk 1130.00vsAZZCLOWNS 24130.30
Broncos 8 3159.60vsLights on but Nobody127.55
RADMAN HOWDY 668.20vsAVP5126.80
wvhighlander143.55vsRedskins R Real 2108.40

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 16

Broncos 8 3100.25vsJaguars126.40
Lights on but Nobody118.40vsAZZCLOWNS 24138.95

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 17

AZZCLOWNS 24150.50vsJaguars126.80