Guest of the League
Sweep Right
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Superbowl


Week 1 - NFL Week 1

Mad King 369.70vsNDF123.25
M-I-Z139.10vsAzz Smackers 2095.60
RATSF136.70vsThe Bath Ave Boys132.00
Pink Tacos129.30vsBlumpkins 3115.50
Bow Down 275.25vszz The Jeffergusons86.85
Coach Molly McGrath121.90vsSweenz 2135.10

Week 2 - NFL Week 2

Mad King 3128.35vsCoach Molly McGrath96.10
NDF120.85vsSweenz 2142.80
M-I-Z87.45vszz The Jeffergusons121.65
Azz Smackers 20119.95vsBlumpkins 3112.40
RATSF143.20vsPink Tacos99.80
The Bath Ave Boys141.70vsBow Down 291.95

Week 3 - NFL Week 3

Mad King 3124.15vsThe Bath Ave Boys150.25
Azz Smackers 20139.95vsPink Tacos94.45
RATSF118.65vsCoach Molly McGrath125.85
Blumpkins 3106.95vsBow Down 2135.25
zz The Jeffergusons95.90vsSweenz 296.20

Week 4 - NFL Week 4

Mad King 3119.50vsBlumpkins 391.70
M-I-Z130.90vsThe Bath Ave Boys127.65
Azz Smackers 20137.55vszz The Jeffergusons151.90
Pink Tacos66.75vsSweenz 2122.25
Bow Down 2142.85vsCoach Molly McGrath141.10

Week 5 - NFL Week 5

Mad King 388.50vsBow Down 2119.95
NDF94.60vsAzz Smackers 20127.70
M-I-Z143.55vsPink Tacos146.05
RATSF117.95vsBlumpkins 3158.20
The Bath Ave Boys94.00vsSweenz 2149.40
zz The Jeffergusons119.85vsCoach Molly McGrath124.85

Week 6 - NFL Week 6

Mad King 369.10vsAzz Smackers 2075.20
NDF92.75vsThe Bath Ave Boys124.80
Pink Tacos141.35vsBow Down 2139.55
Blumpkins 3119.40vsCoach Molly McGrath63.05
zz The Jeffergusons100.05vsSweenz 2125.15

Week 7 - NFL Week 7

Mad King 370.60vsM-I-Z135.25
Azz Smackers 2092.25vsBow Down 2119.80
The Bath Ave Boys128.70vszz The Jeffergusons126.20
Pink Tacos82.10vsCoach Molly McGrath120.50
Blumpkins 382.85vsSweenz 294.70

Week 8 - NFL Week 8

Mad King 3103.20vsRATSF107.60
NDF159.35vsBlumpkins 3117.30
M-I-Z141.75vsBow Down 2161.10
Azz Smackers 20117.75vsCoach Molly McGrath103.05
The Bath Ave Boys102.45vsSweenz 2152.40
Pink Tacos128.05vszz The Jeffergusons134.85

Week 9 - NFL Week 9

Mad King 3130.50vsBow Down 2144.95
NDF124.20vsPink Tacos75.75
M-I-Z122.25vsBlumpkins 3101.55
Azz Smackers 20106.05vszz The Jeffergusons111.60
RATSF142.95vsSweenz 2139.05
The Bath Ave Boys143.80vsCoach Molly McGrath130.60

Week 10 - NFL Week 10

Mad King 3111.70vsAzz Smackers 2098.90
RATSF89.55vszz The Jeffergusons78.05
The Bath Ave Boys85.25vsBlumpkins 3131.70
Pink Tacos131.60vsCoach Molly McGrath92.40
Bow Down 2146.40vsSweenz 2103.70

Week 11 - NFL Week 11

Mad King 390.95vsSweenz 2145.45
NDF138.95vsBow Down 262.60
M-I-Z121.30vsCoach Molly McGrath107.55
Azz Smackers 20117.85vsThe Bath Ave Boys164.25
RATSF162.45vsPink Tacos177.40
Blumpkins 3116.00vszz The Jeffergusons107.35

Week 12 - NFL Week 12

Mad King 3106.15vszz The Jeffergusons126.85
NDF132.75vsCoach Molly McGrath114.15
M-I-Z151.20vsBlumpkins 3110.30
Azz Smackers 20106.35vsSweenz 2166.35
RATSF128.35vsBow Down 2104.95
The Bath Ave Boys118.45vsPink Tacos73.95

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

Mad King 3108.10vsPink Tacos126.45
NDF160.15vszz The Jeffergusons126.55
M-I-Z105.30vsSweenz 2137.40
Azz Smackers 20107.40vsRATSF83.20
The Bath Ave Boys144.90vsBlumpkins 3162.65
Bow Down 2137.60vsCoach Molly McGrath139.90

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

Mad King 3144.20vsNDF80.50
M-I-Z171.80vsAzz Smackers 20139.45
RATSF122.65vsThe Bath Ave Boys101.10
Pink Tacos190.15vsBlumpkins 3101.95
Bow Down 280.60vszz The Jeffergusons148.40
Coach Molly McGrath112.95vsSweenz 2112.55

Week 15 - NFL Week 15

Mad King 3143.60vsM-I-Z156.90
NDF137.10vsAzz Smackers 20135.40
RATSF81.80vsBlumpkins 3102.65
The Bath Ave Boys74.85vsPink Tacos138.30
Bow Down 2106.35vsSweenz 2153.20
zz The Jeffergusons125.80vsCoach Molly McGrath166.65

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 16

NDF183.75vsSweenz 2157.40

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 17
