Play All Week
Go Blue | 154.70 | vs | The Trees | 105.55 |
Z Ugly fuc mac bitc | 122.35 | vs | Honest Brew 1 | 152.80 |
The Jaw Breakers II | 117.55 | vs | TTV | 137.80 |
Suncoast 54 | 93.25 | vs | Assassins Blue 1 | 153.35 |
Pull your 84 Jerseys | 107.90 | vs | Da9ers7 | 96.20 |
Redshirted Juniors 5 | 110.15 | vs | Wed | 120.15 |
Honest Brew 1 | 142.35 | vs | The Trees | 122.10 |
Go Blue | 149.05 | vs | TTV | 140.25 |
Z Ugly fuc mac bitc | 94.95 | vs | Assassins Blue 1 | 107.25 |
The Jaw Breakers II | 133.40 | vs | Da9ers7 | 98.05 |
Suncoast 54 | 107.95 | vs | Wed | 101.15 |
Pull your 84 Jerseys | 157.20 | vs | Redshirted Juniors 5 | 151.00 |
TTV | 145.95 | vs | The Trees | 143.05 |
Honest Brew 1 | 148.00 | vs | Assassins Blue 1 | 106.40 |
Go Blue | 122.05 | vs | Da9ers7 | 123.55 |
Z Ugly fuc mac bitc | 102.15 | vs | Wed | 98.90 |
The Jaw Breakers II | 131.50 | vs | Redshirted Juniors 5 | 154.40 |
Suncoast 54 | 128.35 | vs | Pull your 84 Jerseys | 121.45 |
Assassins Blue 1 | 123.45 | vs | The Trees | 142.05 |
TTV | 103.60 | vs | Da9ers7 | 120.55 |
Honest Brew 1 | 150.25 | vs | Wed | 159.70 |
Go Blue | 132.65 | vs | Redshirted Juniors 5 | 170.90 |
Z Ugly fuc mac bitc | 124.40 | vs | Pull your 84 Jerseys | 137.90 |
The Jaw Breakers II | 131.40 | vs | Suncoast 54 | 134.45 |
Da9ers7 | 86.60 | vs | The Trees | 120.90 |
Assassins Blue 1 | 116.10 | vs | Wed | 147.60 |
TTV | 161.50 | vs | Redshirted Juniors 5 | 122.60 |
Honest Brew 1 | 98.30 | vs | Pull your 84 Jerseys | 124.55 |
Go Blue | 79.50 | vs | Suncoast 54 | 93.25 |
Z Ugly fuc mac bitc | 115.20 | vs | The Jaw Breakers II | 125.55 |
Wed | 122.50 | vs | The Trees | 105.50 |
Da9ers7 | 117.90 | vs | Redshirted Juniors 5 | 122.05 |
Assassins Blue 1 | 112.60 | vs | Pull your 84 Jerseys | 129.80 |
TTV | 129.30 | vs | Suncoast 54 | 88.60 |
Honest Brew 1 | 133.95 | vs | The Jaw Breakers II | 135.25 |
Go Blue | 103.35 | vs | Z Ugly fuc mac bitc | 109.30 |
Redshirted Juniors 5 | 145.80 | vs | The Trees | 135.90 |
Wed | 126.10 | vs | Pull your 84 Jerseys | 127.00 |
Da9ers7 | 118.35 | vs | Suncoast 54 | 111.60 |
Assassins Blue 1 | 144.55 | vs | The Jaw Breakers II | 162.45 |
TTV | 174.60 | vs | Z Ugly fuc mac bitc | 126.05 |
Honest Brew 1 | 151.35 | vs | Go Blue | 148.95 |
Pull your 84 Jerseys | 132.85 | vs | The Trees | 124.20 |
Redshirted Juniors 5 | 141.05 | vs | Suncoast 54 | 133.65 |
Wed | 137.65 | vs | The Jaw Breakers II | 164.40 |
Da9ers7 | 105.40 | vs | Z Ugly fuc mac bitc | 111.65 |
Assassins Blue 1 | 175.65 | vs | Go Blue | 136.55 |
TTV | 151.60 | vs | Honest Brew 1 | 109.20 |
Suncoast 54 | 140.20 | vs | The Trees | 144.90 |
Pull your 84 Jerseys | 128.85 | vs | The Jaw Breakers II | 122.20 |
Redshirted Juniors 5 | 188.30 | vs | Z Ugly fuc mac bitc | 79.65 |
Wed | 93.95 | vs | Go Blue | 128.45 |
Da9ers7 | 128.10 | vs | Honest Brew 1 | 128.80 |
Assassins Blue 1 | 130.20 | vs | TTV | 103.55 |
The Jaw Breakers II | 133.55 | vs | The Trees | 141.75 |
Suncoast 54 | 112.50 | vs | Z Ugly fuc mac bitc | 148.15 |
Pull your 84 Jerseys | 114.75 | vs | Go Blue | 142.80 |
Redshirted Juniors 5 | 128.80 | vs | Honest Brew 1 | 119.20 |
Wed | 108.25 | vs | TTV | 142.30 |
Da9ers7 | 125.95 | vs | Assassins Blue 1 | 168.20 |
Z Ugly fuc mac bitc | 147.10 | vs | The Trees | 112.25 |
The Jaw Breakers II | 167.95 | vs | Go Blue | 151.15 |
Suncoast 54 | 138.05 | vs | Honest Brew 1 | 139.95 |
Pull your 84 Jerseys | 139.25 | vs | TTV | 137.05 |
Redshirted Juniors 5 | 119.40 | vs | Assassins Blue 1 | 121.90 |
Wed | 116.15 | vs | Da9ers7 | 129.15 |
Play All Week
TTV | 132.30 | vs | Pull your 84 Jerseys | 106.15 |
Redshirted Juniors 5 | 157.75 | vs | The Jaw Breakers II | 117.35 |
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No Games Scheduled