Guest of the League
Sun. Auction Fun
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Week 1 - NFL Week 1

Invader Zim 31D70.85vsLuck87.60
#199.85vsSPECTRE RISING123.80
JGPT 3133.15vsArianna143.30
Hail to the thiefs109.05vsBeachBums98.60
Griddy Griddy Bang B112.85vsBella Baxter's Rattl116.75
30-477.75vsSherlock Mahomes155.80

Week 2 - NFL Week 2

Invader Zim 31D134.55vs30-4113.55
Luck95.60vsSherlock Mahomes103.05
#1133.10vsBella Baxter's Rattl108.15
SPECTRE RISING86.55vsBeachBums112.30
JGPT 3119.35vsHail to the thiefs119.65
Arianna83.45vsGriddy Griddy Bang B172.40

Week 3 - NFL Week 3

Invader Zim 31D96.65vsArianna94.10
SPECTRE RISING102.05vsHail to the thiefs87.20
JGPT 3100.95vs30-4145.90
BeachBums133.40vsGriddy Griddy Bang B142.75
Bella Baxter's Rattl133.70vsSherlock Mahomes123.75

Week 4 - NFL Week 4

Invader Zim 31D125.65vsBeachBums101.50
Luck121.20vsJGPT 3111.15
SPECTRE RISING123.20vsBella Baxter's Rattl132.50
Hail to the thiefs101.30vsSherlock Mahomes120.85
Griddy Griddy Bang B108.55vs30-4128.80

Week 5 - NFL Week 5

Invader Zim 31D79.70vsGriddy Griddy Bang B158.60
Luck116.75vsSPECTRE RISING107.25
#196.10vsHail to the thiefs130.30
JGPT 393.75vsBeachBums141.70
Arianna148.15vsSherlock Mahomes136.80
Bella Baxter's Rattl159.70vs30-494.70

Week 6 - NFL Week 6

Invader Zim 31D111.60vsSPECTRE RISING121.50
#1103.90vsJGPT 3120.55
Hail to the thiefs117.95vsGriddy Griddy Bang B81.40
Bella Baxter's Rattl108.45vsSherlock Mahomes126.20

Week 7 - NFL Week 7

Invader Zim 31D144.90vs#1111.80
Luck94.15vsJGPT 3121.00
SPECTRE RISING86.25vsGriddy Griddy Bang B105.95
Arianna93.85vsBella Baxter's Rattl135.25
Hail to the thiefs111.40vs30-4109.80
BeachBums102.05vsSherlock Mahomes135.70

Week 8 - NFL Week 8

Invader Zim 31D113.90vsJGPT 3120.10
#1124.55vsGriddy Griddy Bang B143.65
SPECTRE RISING142.20vs30-470.15
Arianna121.45vsSherlock Mahomes135.50
Hail to the thiefs127.25vsBella Baxter's Rattl138.45

Week 9 - NFL Week 9

Invader Zim 31D105.65vsGriddy Griddy Bang B146.35
Luck111.30vsHail to the thiefs108.90
SPECTRE RISING172.30vsBella Baxter's Rattl138.40
JGPT 3109.45vsSherlock Mahomes140.65

Week 10 - NFL Week 10

Invader Zim 31D121.70vsSPECTRE RISING116.50
JGPT 3123.00vsBella Baxter's Rattl139.10
Hail to the thiefs113.15vs30-485.70
Griddy Griddy Bang B135.95vsSherlock Mahomes102.10

Week 11 - NFL Week 11

Invader Zim 31D141.60vsSherlock Mahomes154.65
Luck105.35vsGriddy Griddy Bang B136.55
SPECTRE RISING101.75vsArianna93.10
JGPT 3122.70vsHail to the thiefs157.05
BeachBums96.90vsBella Baxter's Rattl109.85

Week 12 - NFL Week 12

Invader Zim 31D104.80vsBella Baxter's Rattl113.65
SPECTRE RISING99.25vsSherlock Mahomes161.85
JGPT 3125.95vsGriddy Griddy Bang B102.80
Arianna78.25vsHail to the thiefs153.00

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

Invader Zim 31D113.95vsHail to the thiefs97.40
Luck147.50vsBella Baxter's Rattl124.25
#1168.65vsSherlock Mahomes118.60
Griddy Griddy Bang B123.85vs30-4126.20

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

Invader Zim 31D124.65vsLuck103.80
#1120.90vsSPECTRE RISING117.70
JGPT 3118.30vsArianna105.30
Hail to the thiefs152.30vsBeachBums116.35
Griddy Griddy Bang B141.75vsBella Baxter's Rattl141.00
30-487.45vsSherlock Mahomes124.60

Week 15 - NFL Week 15

Invader Zim 31D120.50vs#195.60
Luck124.30vsSPECTRE RISING118.00
JGPT 389.05vsBeachBums91.35
Arianna139.60vsHail to the thiefs91.20
Griddy Griddy Bang B199.15vsSherlock Mahomes117.70
Bella Baxter's Rattl150.90vs30-4163.60

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 16

Luck149.10vsGriddy Griddy Bang B169.00
Hail to the thiefs123.35vsSherlock Mahomes132.60

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 17

Sherlock Mahomes127.35vsGriddy Griddy Bang B116.05