AA-43 | 99.20 | vs | Sweenz 1 | 113.85 |
Mudcats | 149.60 | vs | Ice Cold Dimes | 128.25 |
Game Time Live | 90.65 | vs | Chesapeake Goose | 84.20 |
No chance to win 1 | 98.30 | vs | Nasrallah | 128.70 |
Gamers AAF4 | 114.20 | vs | Liberty Bell Ballers | 115.00 |
Cat on the Keyboard | 115.85 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 116.40 |
AA-43 | 115.30 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 99.75 |
Sweenz 1 | 152.50 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 94.15 |
Mudcats | 135.60 | vs | Liberty Bell Ballers | 117.50 |
Ice Cold Dimes | 91.60 | vs | Nasrallah | 113.90 |
Game Time Live | 136.65 | vs | No chance to win 1 | 123.20 |
Chesapeake Goose | 147.55 | vs | Gamers AAF4 | 117.30 |
AA-43 | 150.50 | vs | Chesapeake Goose | 115.65 |
Sweenz 1 | 120.45 | vs | Mudcats | 117.95 |
Ice Cold Dimes | 83.10 | vs | No chance to win 1 | 120.75 |
Game Time Live | 102.45 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 102.40 |
Nasrallah | 126.55 | vs | Gamers AAF4 | 88.05 |
Liberty Bell Ballers | 122.95 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 102.55 |
AA-43 | 126.95 | vs | Nasrallah | 124.55 |
Sweenz 1 | 104.65 | vs | Game Time Live | 138.50 |
Mudcats | 125.00 | vs | Chesapeake Goose | 108.40 |
Ice Cold Dimes | 105.25 | vs | Liberty Bell Ballers | 101.90 |
No chance to win 1 | 90.75 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 99.40 |
Gamers AAF4 | 94.45 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 122.60 |
AA-43 | 154.50 | vs | Gamers AAF4 | 113.60 |
Sweenz 1 | 141.70 | vs | Ice Cold Dimes | 91.50 |
Mudcats | 95.00 | vs | No chance to win 1 | 115.70 |
Game Time Live | 125.85 | vs | Nasrallah | 141.65 |
Chesapeake Goose | 73.40 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 90.45 |
Liberty Bell Ballers | 163.25 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 113.20 |
AA-43 | 108.75 | vs | Ice Cold Dimes | 73.10 |
Sweenz 1 | 128.40 | vs | Chesapeake Goose | 123.40 |
Mudcats | 140.00 | vs | Game Time Live | 114.25 |
No chance to win 1 | 113.50 | vs | Gamers AAF4 | 105.05 |
Nasrallah | 95.00 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 119.25 |
Liberty Bell Ballers | 135.60 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 149.85 |
AA-43 | 70.35 | vs | Mudcats | 137.55 |
Sweenz 1 | 95.45 | vs | Game Time Live | 103.70 |
Ice Cold Dimes | 69.60 | vs | Gamers AAF4 | 95.45 |
Chesapeake Goose | 115.40 | vs | Liberty Bell Ballers | 149.65 |
No chance to win 1 | 96.80 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 88.55 |
Nasrallah | 126.20 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 105.55 |
AA-43 | 113.00 | vs | Game Time Live | 117.90 |
Sweenz 1 | 139.45 | vs | Nasrallah | 112.95 |
Mudcats | 165.20 | vs | Gamers AAF4 | 113.25 |
Ice Cold Dimes | 113.05 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 116.75 |
Chesapeake Goose | 129.35 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 126.95 |
No chance to win 1 | 114.00 | vs | Liberty Bell Ballers | 115.10 |
AA-43 | 144.15 | vs | Gamers AAF4 | 91.95 |
Sweenz 1 | 130.95 | vs | No chance to win 1 | 128.15 |
Mudcats | 148.55 | vs | Nasrallah | 116.15 |
Ice Cold Dimes | 98.65 | vs | Liberty Bell Ballers | 116.30 |
Game Time Live | 117.35 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 120.85 |
Chesapeake Goose | 103.20 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 108.80 |
AA-43 | 123.50 | vs | Ice Cold Dimes | 107.15 |
Sweenz 1 | 103.10 | vs | Mudcats | 115.75 |
Game Time Live | 79.60 | vs | Liberty Bell Ballers | 167.45 |
Chesapeake Goose | 130.80 | vs | Nasrallah | 77.70 |
No chance to win 1 | 88.25 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 111.30 |
Gamers AAF4 | 101.40 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 129.00 |
AA-43 | 107.35 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 104.20 |
Sweenz 1 | 144.35 | vs | Gamers AAF4 | 123.10 |
Mudcats | 140.75 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 76.95 |
Ice Cold Dimes | 96.75 | vs | Chesapeake Goose | 112.25 |
Game Time Live | 144.40 | vs | No chance to win 1 | 119.00 |
Nasrallah | 119.25 | vs | Liberty Bell Ballers | 126.80 |
AA-43 | 131.55 | vs | Liberty Bell Ballers | 100.15 |
Sweenz 1 | 128.70 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 82.55 |
Mudcats | 98.25 | vs | Nasrallah | 177.85 |
Ice Cold Dimes | 83.90 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 137.40 |
Game Time Live | 96.55 | vs | Gamers AAF4 | 101.90 |
Chesapeake Goose | 116.05 | vs | No chance to win 1 | 115.45 |
AA-43 | 136.20 | vs | No chance to win 1 | 115.40 |
Sweenz 1 | 133.95 | vs | Liberty Bell Ballers | 147.70 |
Mudcats | 135.75 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 115.30 |
Ice Cold Dimes | 100.65 | vs | Game Time Live | 125.70 |
Chesapeake Goose | 125.00 | vs | Nasrallah | 107.10 |
Gamers AAF4 | 143.50 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 142.95 |
AA-43 | 139.10 | vs | Sweenz 1 | 115.35 |
Mudcats | 157.55 | vs | Ice Cold Dimes | 97.60 |
Game Time Live | 98.70 | vs | Chesapeake Goose | 104.50 |
No chance to win 1 | 142.30 | vs | Nasrallah | 101.70 |
Gamers AAF4 | 134.50 | vs | Liberty Bell Ballers | 183.75 |
Cat on the Keyboard | 83.75 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 165.60 |
AA-43 | 107.20 | vs | Mudcats | 144.55 |
Sweenz 1 | 132.65 | vs | Ice Cold Dimes | 90.20 |
Game Time Live | 136.55 | vs | Nasrallah | 138.95 |
Chesapeake Goose | 121.50 | vs | No chance to win 1 | 120.25 |
Gamers AAF4 | 141.45 | vs | Doin A Nickel In Chi | 141.20 |
Liberty Bell Ballers | 116.80 | vs | Cat on the Keyboard | 138.10 |
Game Time Live | 120.90 | vs | Mudcats | 162.90 |
Sweenz 1 | 102.40 | vs | Liberty Bell Ballers | 153.20 |