Guest of the League
Freight Train
High Stakes $125 - FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Week 1 - NFL Week 1

HS125-4128.30vsPhinatics 31141.75
Mad Bombers_479.40vskissthering280.25
Van City Sushi102.30vsGangGreen115.00
Sir William's B140.50vsThem BOYZ 7137.90
Good Good 2096.30vsSad Sack 1120.25
Nutty Professor 4132.80vsSure ok 1 (125)116.05

Week 2 - NFL Week 2

kissthering2113.25vsPhinatics 31111.55
Mad Bombers_499.90vsThem BOYZ 7127.05
Van City Sushi129.55vsSad Sack 189.45
Sir William's B83.95vsSure ok 1 (125)131.05
Good Good 20125.50vsNutty Professor 4107.60

Week 3 - NFL Week 3

GangGreen113.05vsPhinatics 31108.85
kissthering2125.70vsThem BOYZ 7141.95
HS125-4151.45vsSad Sack 174.70
Mad Bombers_4131.40vsSure ok 1 (125)96.20
Van City Sushi75.55vsNutty Professor 4133.65
Sir William's B144.85vsGood Good 2083.65

Week 4 - NFL Week 4

Them BOYZ 7129.55vsPhinatics 31122.25
GangGreen119.25vsSad Sack 192.40
kissthering2156.80vsSure ok 1 (125)124.60
HS125-4135.20vsNutty Professor 4127.05
Mad Bombers_4106.85vsGood Good 20126.85
Van City Sushi91.40vsSir William's B116.80

Week 5 - NFL Week 5

Sad Sack 1105.10vsPhinatics 31158.05
Them BOYZ 7116.40vsSure ok 1 (125)122.20
GangGreen105.00vsNutty Professor 4127.50
kissthering2163.90vsGood Good 20111.45
HS125-4133.15vsSir William's B108.15
Mad Bombers_492.30vsVan City Sushi134.60

Week 6 - NFL Week 6

Sure ok 1 (125)111.40vsPhinatics 31120.60
Sad Sack 1100.85vsNutty Professor 4107.70
Them BOYZ 790.10vsGood Good 20117.15
GangGreen120.80vsSir William's B118.25
kissthering2169.55vsVan City Sushi148.25
HS125-4118.10vsMad Bombers_4128.95

Week 7 - NFL Week 7

Nutty Professor 485.60vsPhinatics 31106.40
Sure ok 1 (125)101.75vsGood Good 2098.85
Sad Sack 168.00vsSir William's B151.25
Them BOYZ 7130.25vsVan City Sushi129.80
GangGreen102.90vsMad Bombers_472.40

Week 8 - NFL Week 8

Good Good 20155.60vsPhinatics 31152.50
Nutty Professor 4105.70vsSir William's B159.95
Sure ok 1 (125)107.70vsVan City Sushi129.30
Sad Sack 1123.90vsMad Bombers_4129.80
Them BOYZ 7105.50vsHS125-4154.60

Week 9 - NFL Week 9

Sir William's B137.05vsPhinatics 31112.95
Good Good 20184.85vsVan City Sushi120.00
Nutty Professor 4133.15vsMad Bombers_498.95
Sure ok 1 (125)119.25vsHS125-4105.60
Sad Sack 1120.40vskissthering2118.80
Them BOYZ 7153.20vsGangGreen137.70

Week 10 - NFL Week 10

Van City Sushi157.00vsPhinatics 31175.40
Sir William's B104.50vsMad Bombers_4115.40
Good Good 20127.45vsHS125-4109.50
Nutty Professor 480.40vskissthering2122.60
Sure ok 1 (125)103.70vsGangGreen83.30
Sad Sack 1105.55vsThem BOYZ 7109.15

Week 11 - NFL Week 11

Mad Bombers_4113.75vsPhinatics 31116.80
Van City Sushi94.05vsHS125-4131.55
Sir William's B164.10vskissthering2114.25
Good Good 20163.35vsGangGreen120.05
Nutty Professor 4125.75vsThem BOYZ 7152.70
Sure ok 1 (125)132.70vsSad Sack 174.85

Week 12 - NFL Week 12

HS125-489.75vsPhinatics 31100.95
Mad Bombers_4165.75vskissthering2123.05
Van City Sushi94.75vsGangGreen127.40
Sir William's B110.70vsThem BOYZ 7104.70
Good Good 20117.35vsSad Sack 188.85
Nutty Professor 4147.35vsSure ok 1 (125)127.55

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

kissthering2154.15vsPhinatics 31128.20
Mad Bombers_4139.70vsThem BOYZ 7119.15
Van City Sushi107.80vsSad Sack 1106.25
Sir William's B132.90vsSure ok 1 (125)109.45
Good Good 20120.30vsNutty Professor 4167.40

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

GangGreen136.90vsPhinatics 31130.10
kissthering2142.25vsThem BOYZ 7146.25
HS125-4120.05vsSad Sack 1142.15
Mad Bombers_4145.30vsSure ok 1 (125)112.65
Van City Sushi109.70vsNutty Professor 4140.05
Sir William's B152.20vsGood Good 20101.70

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 15

No Games Scheduled

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 16

No Games Scheduled

Playoff Week 3 - NFL Week 17

No Games Scheduled