Guest of the League
Chattahoochie Coochies
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Superbowl


Week 1 - NFL Week 1

Producer296.40vsDollar Store Shopper113.30
No Stank in This Tan113.50vs87114.45
x121.20vsChuckZilla AA104.50
seantaylor60103.00vsDetroit Lions are Ch146.50
Simple Jack 43106.60vssnowbum725 ST AA126.20
Omar Comin 2109.65vsgame on 1137.45

Week 2 - NFL Week 2

Producer2104.05vsOmar Comin 2104.65
Dollar Store Shopper143.40vsgame on 1144.25
No Stank in This Tan119.55vssnowbum725 ST AA133.50
8793.25vsDetroit Lions are Ch112.15
ChuckZilla AA77.90vsSimple Jack 43160.90

Week 3 - NFL Week 3

Producer2120.70vsChuckZilla AA93.85
Dollar Store Shopper171.10vsNo Stank in This Tan91.55
x65.95vsOmar Comin 2110.10
Detroit Lions are Ch173.90vsSimple Jack 43105.05
snowbum725 ST AA111.55vsgame on 1110.45

Week 4 - NFL Week 4

Producer2105.60vsDetroit Lions are Ch132.60
Dollar Store Shopper129.35vsx131.65
No Stank in This Tan102.70vsChuckZilla AA112.15
87127.35vssnowbum725 ST AA122.65
seantaylor6090.55vsgame on 1121.25
Simple Jack 43123.50vsOmar Comin 276.80

Week 5 - NFL Week 5

Producer2122.55vsSimple Jack 4397.95
Dollar Store Shopper106.00vs87124.35
No Stank in This Tan114.65vsseantaylor60154.50
x144.25vsDetroit Lions are Ch160.90
ChuckZilla AA95.50vsgame on 199.30
snowbum725 ST AA125.00vsOmar Comin 2143.30

Week 6 - NFL Week 6

Dollar Store Shopper112.20vsChuckZilla AA114.90
No Stank in This Tan94.20vsx104.10
seantaylor6097.95vsSimple Jack 4395.40
Detroit Lions are Ch117.00vsOmar Comin 2100.55
snowbum725 ST AA112.10vsgame on 1112.60

Week 7 - NFL Week 7

Producer2113.85vsNo Stank in This Tan85.60
Dollar Store Shopper112.90vsx94.30
87113.00vsSimple Jack 4388.45
ChuckZilla AA113.00vssnowbum725 ST AA129.90
seantaylor60112.00vsOmar Comin 2121.55
Detroit Lions are Ch150.20vsgame on 1105.40

Week 8 - NFL Week 8

Dollar Store Shopper98.90vsDetroit Lions are Ch132.45
No Stank in This Tan152.80vsSimple Jack 43132.15
87146.00vsOmar Comin 2123.15
ChuckZilla AA121.45vsgame on 193.85
seantaylor60121.85vssnowbum725 ST AA132.55

Week 9 - NFL Week 9

Producer2122.40vsSimple Jack 43108.10
Dollar Store Shopper134.65vsseantaylor6068.95
No Stank in This Tan137.00vsDetroit Lions are Ch178.05
87115.55vssnowbum725 ST AA115.80
x135.10vsgame on 1110.95
ChuckZilla AA128.25vsOmar Comin 295.40

Week 10 - NFL Week 10

Dollar Store Shopper119.80vsNo Stank in This Tan132.70
x75.75vssnowbum725 ST AA110.10
ChuckZilla AA92.35vsDetroit Lions are Ch125.50
seantaylor6090.90vsOmar Comin 2131.70
Simple Jack 43134.65vsgame on 178.05

Week 11 - NFL Week 11

Producer2144.90vsgame on 1106.15
Dollar Store Shopper104.85vsSimple Jack 43127.00
No Stank in This Tan104.45vsOmar Comin 2129.35
87152.70vsChuckZilla AA91.60
Detroit Lions are Ch177.30vssnowbum725 ST AA116.55

Week 12 - NFL Week 12

Producer2124.90vssnowbum725 ST AA141.90
Dollar Store Shopper96.05vsOmar Comin 2113.25
No Stank in This Tan79.35vsDetroit Lions are Ch145.30
87145.35vsgame on 1108.10
x114.95vsSimple Jack 4393.75
ChuckZilla AA129.90vsseantaylor6087.35

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

Dollar Store Shopper122.40vssnowbum725 ST AA124.65
No Stank in This Tan109.50vsgame on 1114.80
ChuckZilla AA154.75vsDetroit Lions are Ch145.65
Simple Jack 43156.45vsOmar Comin 2114.05

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

Producer2153.45vsDollar Store Shopper117.80
No Stank in This Tan130.60vs87145.20
x124.60vsChuckZilla AA112.35
seantaylor60115.30vsDetroit Lions are Ch130.25
Simple Jack 43116.35vssnowbum725 ST AA114.55
Omar Comin 2161.95vsgame on 1111.90

Week 15 - NFL Week 15

Producer2140.95vsNo Stank in This Tan142.00
Dollar Store Shopper128.85vs87132.35
x152.25vsDetroit Lions are Ch82.35
ChuckZilla AA114.35vsseantaylor60132.30
Simple Jack 43127.20vsgame on 197.00
snowbum725 ST AA119.40vsOmar Comin 2108.40

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 16

snowbum725 ST AA133.95vsDetroit Lions are Ch135.90

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 17

Producer2113.45vsDetroit Lions are Ch174.90