Guest of the League
The Brew Crew
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Week 1 - NFL Week 1

Mightypack1127.40vsRoachmotel 10135.00
X05142.30vsBud\'s Bombers76.35
QGUNN03114.50vsrunning with the Dev126.75
Crank Yankers112.55vsBluByU 785.90
Ty7141.70vsShort ShortZ132.20
Nyr 1286.25vsslobberknockers 32130.05

Week 2 - NFL Week 2

Mightypack198.95vsNyr 12133.35
Roachmotel 10117.55vsslobberknockers 32133.75
X05107.90vsShort ShortZ141.80
Bud\'s Bombers85.35vsBluByU 785.70
QGUNN03120.35vsCrank Yankers100.65
running with the Dev162.15vsTy7155.75

Week 3 - NFL Week 3

Mightypack1117.85vsrunning with the Dev121.15
Roachmotel 10134.45vsX0588.45
Bud\'s Bombers134.30vsCrank Yankers89.20
QGUNN03136.20vsNyr 12110.65
BluByU 788.65vsTy7146.35
Short ShortZ78.65vsslobberknockers 3298.90

Week 4 - NFL Week 4

Mightypack1145.85vsBluByU 7120.55
Roachmotel 10148.80vsQGUNN0399.70
X0578.15vsrunning with the Dev118.05
Bud\'s Bombers118.10vsShort ShortZ85.70
Crank Yankers115.15vsslobberknockers 32111.60
Ty7109.90vsNyr 12140.40

Week 5 - NFL Week 5

Roachmotel 1090.95vsBud\'s Bombers101.40
X05150.45vsCrank Yankers136.90
QGUNN03136.20vsBluByU 7105.85
running with the Dev108.80vsslobberknockers 32179.20
Short ShortZ95.25vsNyr 12133.80

Week 6 - NFL Week 6

Mightypack1110.50vsBud\'s Bombers120.25
Roachmotel 10137.75vsrunning with the Dev160.60
Crank Yankers112.35vsTy7129.30
BluByU 7132.00vsNyr 12148.30
Short ShortZ103.20vsslobberknockers 32137.25

Week 7 - NFL Week 7

Roachmotel 10124.95vsQGUNN03123.65
Bud\'s Bombers149.70vsTy795.80
running with the Dev102.20vsShort ShortZ118.35
Crank Yankers145.20vsNyr 1295.20
BluByU 762.35vsslobberknockers 32138.95

Week 8 - NFL Week 8

Roachmotel 10119.15vsBluByU 7123.35
Bud\'s Bombers153.40vsNyr 12122.55
running with the Dev178.60vsslobberknockers 32148.15
Crank Yankers81.65vsShort ShortZ127.95

Week 9 - NFL Week 9

Roachmotel 10128.45vsCrank Yankers101.20
X0596.20vsBluByU 7118.25
Bud\'s Bombers101.05vsShort ShortZ109.10
QGUNN03116.65vsslobberknockers 32174.10
running with the Dev104.75vsNyr 12130.25

Week 10 - NFL Week 10

Mightypack1144.95vsBud\'s Bombers141.55
Roachmotel 10113.90vsX05102.75
QGUNN03110.50vsShort ShortZ107.20
running with the Dev106.90vsBluByU 780.60
Crank Yankers112.70vsNyr 12117.00
Ty7116.30vsslobberknockers 32161.80

Week 11 - NFL Week 11

Mightypack1140.95vsslobberknockers 3299.25
Roachmotel 10167.70vsTy799.15
X05130.15vsNyr 12141.70
Bud\'s Bombers102.85vsrunning with the Dev174.95
QGUNN03137.90vsCrank Yankers119.00
BluByU 7122.05vsShort ShortZ131.65

Week 12 - NFL Week 12

Mightypack1122.65vsShort ShortZ144.15
Roachmotel 10129.05vsNyr 12136.45
X05107.95vsBluByU 7116.75
Bud\'s Bombers96.10vsslobberknockers 32114.55
running with the Dev108.70vsCrank Yankers143.00

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

Mightypack1138.05vsCrank Yankers130.05
Roachmotel 10121.90vsShort ShortZ136.30
X05159.35vsslobberknockers 32127.45
Bud\'s Bombers136.70vsQGUNN03151.15
running with the Dev94.55vsBluByU 7107.90
Ty7136.10vsNyr 12122.20

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

Mightypack1163.85vsRoachmotel 10115.70
X05145.30vsBud\'s Bombers118.35
QGUNN03169.85vsrunning with the Dev135.25
Crank Yankers110.95vsBluByU 765.10
Ty7149.80vsShort ShortZ94.15
Nyr 1292.60vsslobberknockers 32110.20

Week 15 - NFL Week 15

Roachmotel 10121.00vsBud\'s Bombers95.60
QGUNN03116.05vsBluByU 785.95
running with the Dev147.00vsCrank Yankers139.10
Ty7106.10vsslobberknockers 32153.80
Short ShortZ128.20vsNyr 12132.15

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 16

Roachmotel 10100.20vsslobberknockers 32157.95
Mightypack1110.80vsrunning with the Dev152.75

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 17

running with the Dev123.95vsslobberknockers 32167.10