Guest of the League
Its Just a Fantasy
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason


Week 11 - NFL Week 11

Drafting McCaffrey a128.40vsBug 1111.05
Sheba and Boo133.50vscruel empathy152.65
Two-Headed Monsters100.35vsWildthang 1142.95
Wolves 3127.15vszzBad Monkey Mojo02o110.15
Early Bird AA132.45vsWildcats103.05
West of All Time119.10vsBig Blue127.85

Week 13 - NFL Week 13

Drafting McCaffrey a94.65vsWildcats116.05
Sheba and Boo107.35vsBig Blue101.10
Two-Headed Monsters149.25vsBug 1157.50
Wolves 3131.60vsEarly Bird AA136.85
zzBad Monkey Mojo02o138.80vsWest of All Time149.10
cruel empathy152.30vsWildthang 1102.65

Week 14 - NFL Week 14

Drafting McCaffrey a111.35vsSheba and Boo163.85
Two-Headed Monsters115.85vsWolves 3113.10
Early Bird AA133.65vszzBad Monkey Mojo02o114.90
Wildcats139.30vsWest of All Time166.20
cruel empathy150.85vsBig Blue102.90
Wildthang 1148.45vsBug 180.55

Week 15 - NFL Week 15

Drafting McCaffrey a123.45vsTwo-Headed Monsters104.20
Sheba and Boo148.40vsWolves 3133.90
Early Bird AA120.80vsWest of All Time109.00
zzBad Monkey Mojo02o111.25vsWildcats120.20
cruel empathy182.10vsBug 1164.70
Big Blue140.65vsWildthang 1128.90

Playoff Week 1 - NFL Week 16

Two-Headed Monsters152.85vszzBad Monkey Mojo02o115.10
Early Bird AA114.85vscruel empathy128.90

Playoff Week 2 - NFL Week 17

Two-Headed Monsters90.20vscruel empathy101.85