For Sale | 130.85 | vs | Sneakygood | 127.85 |
The Rockford Files | 84.55 | vs | VS1 | 94.05 |
Perch Perkins | 128.80 | vs | Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 104.20 |
Pocket Aces | 160.30 | vs | Haywood | 99.30 |
Frankfurt Galaxy | 98.35 | vs | Ruzzle Duzzle | 132.50 |
Livewire | 148.45 | vs | Team Walleye | 143.75 |
For Sale | 68.25 | vs | The Rockford Files | 124.15 |
Sneakygood | 141.95 | vs | VS1 | 132.80 |
Perch Perkins | 162.25 | vs | Pocket Aces | 142.50 |
Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 105.65 | vs | Haywood | 99.55 |
Frankfurt Galaxy | 115.00 | vs | Livewire | 139.05 |
Ruzzle Duzzle | 136.80 | vs | Team Walleye | 142.45 |
For Sale | 177.25 | vs | VS1 | 130.65 |
Sneakygood | 84.55 | vs | The Rockford Files | 97.50 |
Perch Perkins | 129.60 | vs | Haywood | 93.35 |
Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 146.65 | vs | Pocket Aces | 135.75 |
Frankfurt Galaxy | 183.05 | vs | Team Walleye | 99.10 |
Ruzzle Duzzle | 163.60 | vs | Livewire | 105.80 |
For Sale | 134.20 | vs | Perch Perkins | 159.05 |
Sneakygood | 134.35 | vs | Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 126.65 |
The Rockford Files | 120.55 | vs | Livewire | 115.65 |
VS1 | 131.25 | vs | Team Walleye | 162.60 |
Pocket Aces | 156.20 | vs | Frankfurt Galaxy | 150.50 |
Haywood | 55.35 | vs | Ruzzle Duzzle | 156.95 |
For Sale | 100.25 | vs | Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 152.55 |
Sneakygood | 137.30 | vs | Pocket Aces | 130.75 |
The Rockford Files | 154.90 | vs | Frankfurt Galaxy | 109.40 |
VS1 | 158.50 | vs | Ruzzle Duzzle | 145.70 |
Perch Perkins | 122.40 | vs | Livewire | 133.70 |
Haywood | 128.00 | vs | Team Walleye | 145.75 |
For Sale | 131.70 | vs | Team Walleye | 157.70 |
Sneakygood | 95.80 | vs | Livewire | 111.60 |
The Rockford Files | 128.40 | vs | Haywood | 134.60 |
VS1 | 158.70 | vs | Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 100.25 |
Perch Perkins | 130.10 | vs | Frankfurt Galaxy | 135.60 |
Pocket Aces | 135.75 | vs | Ruzzle Duzzle | 112.00 |
For Sale | 107.25 | vs | Livewire | 138.85 |
Sneakygood | 115.25 | vs | Ruzzle Duzzle | 130.45 |
The Rockford Files | 113.15 | vs | Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 94.00 |
VS1 | 98.65 | vs | Perch Perkins | 145.30 |
Pocket Aces | 97.60 | vs | Team Walleye | 111.15 |
Haywood | 152.25 | vs | Frankfurt Galaxy | 109.25 |
For Sale | 105.60 | vs | Pocket Aces | 128.15 |
Sneakygood | 156.70 | vs | Haywood | 159.25 |
The Rockford Files | 155.00 | vs | Team Walleye | 151.75 |
VS1 | 153.35 | vs | Frankfurt Galaxy | 129.75 |
Perch Perkins | 157.00 | vs | Ruzzle Duzzle | 155.75 |
Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 109.05 | vs | Livewire | 155.45 |
For Sale | 167.45 | vs | Haywood | 139.55 |
Sneakygood | 126.85 | vs | Frankfurt Galaxy | 147.05 |
The Rockford Files | 137.80 | vs | Pocket Aces | 116.70 |
VS1 | 197.30 | vs | Livewire | 139.85 |
Perch Perkins | 136.15 | vs | Team Walleye | 108.25 |
Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 113.45 | vs | Ruzzle Duzzle | 128.95 |
For Sale | 110.60 | vs | Ruzzle Duzzle | 142.45 |
Sneakygood | 84.30 | vs | Team Walleye | 102.00 |
The Rockford Files | 189.00 | vs | Perch Perkins | 129.30 |
VS1 | 142.70 | vs | Pocket Aces | 97.50 |
Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 108.10 | vs | Frankfurt Galaxy | 107.20 |
Haywood | 86.15 | vs | Livewire | 164.60 |
For Sale | 137.10 | vs | Frankfurt Galaxy | 181.05 |
Sneakygood | 113.75 | vs | Perch Perkins | 132.40 |
The Rockford Files | 122.65 | vs | Ruzzle Duzzle | 113.80 |
VS1 | 227.45 | vs | Haywood | 155.05 |
Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 121.40 | vs | Team Walleye | 106.10 |
Pocket Aces | 84.10 | vs | Livewire | 148.90 |
For Sale | 119.50 | vs | Sneakygood | 93.90 |
The Rockford Files | 97.85 | vs | VS1 | 172.35 |
Perch Perkins | 124.00 | vs | Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 144.65 |
Pocket Aces | 156.30 | vs | Haywood | 128.55 |
Frankfurt Galaxy | 186.05 | vs | Ruzzle Duzzle | 87.70 |
Livewire | 121.70 | vs | Team Walleye | 115.60 |
For Sale | 144.55 | vs | The Rockford Files | 121.25 |
Sneakygood | 101.60 | vs | VS1 | 155.25 |
Perch Perkins | 142.10 | vs | Pocket Aces | 126.90 |
Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 111.95 | vs | Haywood | 127.30 |
Frankfurt Galaxy | 157.35 | vs | Livewire | 142.60 |
Ruzzle Duzzle | 140.10 | vs | Team Walleye | 112.60 |
For Sale | 177.80 | vs | VS1 | 128.45 |
Sneakygood | 121.35 | vs | The Rockford Files | 158.35 |
Perch Perkins | 142.90 | vs | Haywood | 157.70 |
Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 154.05 | vs | Pocket Aces | 121.60 |
Frankfurt Galaxy | 182.95 | vs | Team Walleye | 126.55 |
Ruzzle Duzzle | 105.80 | vs | Livewire | 119.95 |
Ruzzle Duzzle | 169.60 | vs | Livewire | 115.55 |
The Rockford Files | 124.50 | vs | Perch Perkins | 175.55 |
Pocket Aces | 146.75 | vs | Team Walleye | 114.70 |
For Sale | 160.60 | vs | Haywood | 96.75 |
Ruzzle Duzzle | 162.95 | vs | VS1 | 183.50 |
Perch Perkins | 127.55 | vs | Frankfurt Galaxy | 142.85 |
Pocket Aces | 170.10 | vs | Sneakygood | 145.30 |
For Sale | 133.00 | vs | Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 111.05 |
Frankfurt Galaxy | 160.70 | vs | VS1 | 131.30 |
Ruzzle Duzzle | 195.15 | vs | Perch Perkins | 155.50 |
For Sale | 111.45 | vs | Pocket Aces | 142.40 |
Azulgrana1899 (#28-S | 112.15 | vs | Sneakygood | 57.10 |