(REVISED, August, 2022)
1a. The league will consist of at least 8 teams and no more than 12 teams.
1b. The entry fee is $75 per team. (2022)
1c. The league will consist of 2 divisions known as WEAK and STRONG. Teams will be placed in these divisions based on the draft selection order established at the beginning of the season.
2a. Each team will play 18 games based on the NFL season. Each team will play every other team in the league at least once. In the event there are only 8 or 9 teams in the league, each team will play every other team twice. Week #17 will be a position week within the Division(1v2 3v4 5v6) Week 18 will be a position week between divisions 1st place in the WEAK division will play 1st place in the STRONG division etc. The tiebreaker between divisions will be used if necessary, to determine match-ups.
2b. After each team has played every other team the maximum amount of times the size of the league allows, the remainder of the team's games will be against division opponents.
3a. The draft will be held as close as possible to the start of the NFL regular season and will consist of 20 rounds.
3b. The order of selection in round #1 will be established by random draw.
3c. For rounds #2-20, each team will draft one position lower than the preceding round. The team with the last pick of a round has the first pick of the following round.
3d. For rounds #1-8, each team will have 2 minutes to select a player. For rounds #9-20 each team will have 3 minutes per selection.
3e. Any team failing to make a selection in the allotted time will have 1 minute to choose a player after the next team makes their selection.
3f. Each team owner is responsible for their own preparation for the draft. The USA TODAY newspaper will be considered the official publication listing opening day NFL rosters and positions. No player lists or other data will be provided by the league.
3g. Once a team has selected a draft choice, the next team in the draft order begins their turn and the selection is final.
3h. Each team MUST draft the following:
The remaining 3 selections can be used to select and additional Q, B, or R. No team may select an additional D, K, or C until all teams have taken a second D, K, or C.
3i. Although each team is required to draft 2Q, 4B, 5R, 2D, 2K, and 2C, there are NO restrictions to the number of players, by position, that a team can have on it's roster. Each teams is only required to be able to submit a starting line-up.
3j. Players can only be drafted in their officially published position. For example, a running back cannot be drafted as a receiver.
3k. Teams cannot have more than 21 players on its roster. If the limit is exceeded (through trades and/or waivers), the team must post players to be dropped on the message board on the website. The player dropped will be eligible for waivers immediately.
4a. Prior to the start of weekly NFL play, each team must submit a starting line-up to their opponent consisting of:
4b. Starting line-ups must be posted on the website prior to the beginning of play each week. The commissioner will program the website to allow times for lineup submittal. This will include consideration for Monday Night Football and weeks when NFL games are played on Thursdays or Saturdays.
4c. Players may be substituted after NFL play has begun ONLY IF the players to be substituted have not yet begun NFL AND the lineup change is in accordance with rule 4b.
4d. If a team cannot fill a position in their starting line-up due to player injuries, byes, etc., a zero will
will be scored for that position. If a team cannot field a team defense (D) due to a bye, a -10 point penalty will be imposed.
4e. The team scoring the most points at the end of the week's NFL play is the game winner. The loser must pay $7.50 to the league. (2022)
4h. In the event of a tie, teams may establish their best starting line-ups based on all players on their roster. The team with the highest score using this method will be declared the game winner with 1 point awarded to the Coach (C) to break the tie. Teams involved in tiebreak situations may not make trades to improve their rosters. If the game remains a tie, each team will pay $4 to the league. (2022)
Short TD Rush up to 24 yds 10
Intermediate TD Rush 25 to 49 yds 15
Long TD Rush 50 to 74 yds 20
Extra long TD Rush 75 yds and over 25
Short TD Reception up to 49 yds. 10
Long TD Reception 50 yds and over 15
Short TD Pass up to 49 yds 5
Long TD Pass 50 yds and over 10
Fumble recovery TD any distance 10
2 point conversion rush 4
2 point conversion reception 4
2 point conversion pass 2
Extra point 2
Short field goal made up to 44 yds = 3
Mid-range field goal made 45-49yds = 5
Long field goal made 50+ yds = 7
>any other points scored by a kicker will be awarded in accordance to rule 5a.
Kick Return for TD 10
Punt Return for TD 10
Fumble Recovery for TD 10
Interception return for TD 10
Safety 10
Points are AWARDED or SUBTRACTED based on total points allowed by team defense.
0 points allowed 10
2-13 points allowed 5
14-24 points allowed 0
25-40 points allowed -5
41+ points allowed -10
Win 5
Tie 2.5
Tie-Breaker 1
Loss 0
6a. Trades must be posted on the website message board before a team can use traded players in starting line-ups.
6b. No trades are allowed after play begins in week 15 of the NFL season.
6c. Teams may trade: (1) players, (2) draft choices or (3) waiver picks. Teams may not trade for future season draft choices, future considerations, or cash.
6d. Trading fees:
$5 per unit traded. (2010)
Units are: (1) players, (2) draft choices, or (3) waiver picks. No trades over 6 units are allowed.
6e. Each trade will have a specific dollar amount to be paid to the league based on units traded. Payment of these fees can be negotiated between parties within the trade.
6f. Traded players may not go back to the team from which they were traded for a period of 21 days, unless they go through a third party.
6g. To promote trading, there will be a 50% reduction in trading fees between week #8 and 9.
7a. Teams are allowed a total of 3 waiver OR free agent acquistions per week.
7b. The waiver period begins weekly starting at the conclusion of NFL games on Monday night beginning NFL week 1, and ends at 11:59:59pm EST on the following Wednesday. The actual starting time is dictated by RTS site updating at conclusion of NFL weekly play and is currently assumed as 5:00am EST.
7c.Teams may acquire up to 3 players by blind bidding, the minimum bid is $3, and the maximum bid is $10, bidding is in whole dollar increments only.
7d. If more than one team bids on the same player, the player is awarded to the highest blind bidder and the team with the LOWEST total points, if there is still a tie, the team placing the first bid wins.
7e. The acquired players will be awarded to rosters automatically by the RTS site shortly after the conclusion of the waiver period at midnight on Wednesday. Dropped players and fees will also be automatically recorded by the site.
7f. Free Agent acquisition begins at the conclusion of the waiver period when the site has adjusted rosters from the PREVIOUS waiver period, and concludes before the start of Monday Night football. A player is not a free agent after his NFL team begins play in the current NFL week.
7g. Teams may acquire any remaining free agent that was NOT selected during the previous waiver period for a fee of $12, including gameday, on a first come first serve basis. Using the league message board, select the available player, and declare your dropped player, if necessary, and add the player to your roster.
7h. Teams can only make one roster move per message board post, and any player added to a roster in violation to league rules is not eligible for weekly play until the matter is resolved.
7i. At the conclusion of the league draft and before the NFL season starts for each NFL team, franchises may add/drop players at no cost, and the fee to add the 21st player is $10.
8a. Before the start of the NFL season, any TNGLFL rule may be changed by a majority vote of team owners.
8b. No league rule may be changed after the NFL season begins.
8c. Any controversies regarding rules during season play will be decided by a majority vote of team owners. In the event of a tie vote, the commissioner will have the deciding vote.
9a. In the event of a tie between the 2 division champions or within a division, ties will be broken
in the following manner:
(1) Winner of head to head competition
(2) Most total points
(3) Divisional won/loss pct.
(4) Total margin of victory
(1) Winner of head to head competition
(2) Divisional won/loss pct.
(3) Most total points
(4) Total margin of victory
10a. At the conclusion of the NFL regular season, the league treasury will be divided as follows:
LEAGUE CHAMPION.....................10% determined by bracket playoff of top 2 teams in each div week 17 & 18
REGULAR SEASON CHAMP.........10% detemined by best record and tie breakers at end of week 16
DIVISION 1st PLACE (2)..................15% determined at end of week 16
DIVISION 2nd PLACE (2).................7.5% determined at end of week 16
MOST POINTS...................................20% through week 18
2nd MOST POINTS...........................10% through week 18
HIGH POINTS, 1 GAME....................5% through week 18
10b. No treasury funds will be distributed until all amounts due are received. Outstanding amounts are due no later than 15 days after the conclusion of the NFL regular season. Failure to adhere to the 15 day grace period will result in expulsion from the league.
Bet: (required participation with league fees)
High score in weekly play received $10 payout.
Low score in weekly play pays $5 to the league.
Game: NFL PICK’EM (optional)
Bet: $3.00 per week
Pick NFL winners straight up on a weekly basis. Payout goes to player with the most correct picks. In case of a tie(two tie, all tie), the pot will carry over to subsequent week(s) until a single winner remains during a week.
Game: WEEKLY SKINS (optional)
Bet: $2.00 per week
Best possible lineup during weekly play results in a skin. In case of a tie, the pot pays out to the team with the highest point total for that week’s game.
Game: NFL SURVIVOR POOL (optional)
Bet: $25
Pick 1 NFL winner straight up on a weekly basis. You can only use a team once for the duration of the game. Game ends when there is only 1 successful team. Two tie all tie will apply to this game with a full reset if all remaining teams loose in any week.
1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 FLEX (WR, RB or TE), 1 K, 1 DEF and 1 Coach
$20 entry fee. If we get 10-12 to enter we will pay top 3 teams. Anything less and we will pay top 2.
12 team payout would be $120 for first, $80 for second and $40 for third.
11 team payout would be $120, $70, $30
10 team payout would be $120, $60, $20
Under 10 would be $40 for second and remaining pot to the first place team.
All lineups are due before first wildcard game. 1 entry per team and you cannot post the same roster as another team that has already posted. Changes can be made up to the start of the first game and substitutions can only be made if the player is declared inactive for the game.
8 teams draft a complete roster via snake draft (round 1 only) determined by lottery chance. Top half of teams advance each round. Redraft each round thereafter determined by reverse order of points from previous round. Tie breaker is total NFL points scored by each players team on your roster.
Players can be changed once draft is complete as long as it is prior to the start of both players games. Change must be posted to the message board to be official. First to post will be awarded the player.
Entry fee $50
Round 1 Advance: 35 15 15 10
Round 2 Advance : 75 50
Superbowl Winner: 200
Min | Max | |
Quarterback | 1 | 5 |
Running Back | 0 | 10 |
Wide Receiver | 0 | 12 |
Tight End | 0 | 12 |
Head Coach | 0 | 4 |
Kicker | 0 | 4 |
Defense/Sp Team | 0 | 4 |
Quarterback | 1 | to | 1 |
Running Back | 2 | to | 2 |
Wide Receiver | 0 | to | 3 |
Tight End | 0 | to | 3 |
Kicker | 1 | to | 1 |
Defense/Sp Team | 1 | to | 1 |
Head Coach | 1 | to | 1 |
Week 1 | Fri Feb 28 10:00pm MT | thru | Mon Sep 8 6:30pm MT |
Week 2 | Tue Sep 9 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Sep 15 6:30pm MT |
Week 3 | Tue Sep 16 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Sep 22 6:30pm MT |
Week 4 | Tue Sep 23 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Sep 29 6:30pm MT |
Week 5 | Tue Sep 30 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Oct 6 6:30pm MT |
Week 6 | Tue Oct 7 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Oct 13 6:30pm MT |
Week 7 | Tue Oct 14 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Oct 20 6:30pm MT |
Week 8 | Tue Oct 21 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Oct 27 6:30pm MT |
Week 9 | Tue Oct 28 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Nov 3 6:30pm MT |
Week 10 | Tue Nov 4 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Nov 10 6:30pm MT |
Week 11 | Tue Nov 11 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Nov 17 6:30pm MT |
Week 12 | Tue Nov 18 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Nov 24 6:30pm MT |
Week 13 | Tue Nov 25 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Dec 1 6:30pm MT |
Week 14 | Tue Dec 2 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Dec 8 6:30pm MT |
Week 15 | Tue Dec 9 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Dec 15 6:30pm MT |
Week 16 | Tue Dec 16 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Dec 22 6:30pm MT |
Week 17 | Tue Dec 23 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Dec 29 6:30pm MT |
Week 18 | Tue Dec 30 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Jan 4 6:30pm MT |
Week 19 | Mon Jan 5 5:00am MT | thru | Mon Jan 12 6:30pm MT |
Week 20 | Tue Jan 13 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Jan 18 6:30pm MT |
Week 21 | Mon Jan 19 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Jan 25 6:30pm MT |
Week 22 | Mon Jan 26 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Feb 8 6:30pm MT |
Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | |
Week 1 | |||||
Week 2 | |||||
Week 3 | |||||
Week 4 | |||||
Week 5 | |||||
Week 6 | |||||
Week 7 | |||||
Week 8 | |||||
Week 9 | |||||
Week 10 | |||||
Week 11 | |||||
Week 12 | |||||
Week 13 | |||||
Week 14 | |||||
Week 15 | |||||
Week 16 | |||||
Week 17 | |||||
Week 18 | |||||
Week 19 | |||||
Week 20 | |||||
Week 21 | |||||
Week 22 |
Week 1 | Fri Feb 28 10:00pm MT | thru | Mon Sep 8 6:00pm MT |
Week 2 | Thu Sep 11 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Sep 15 5:59pm MT |
Week 3 | Thu Sep 18 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Sep 22 5:59pm MT |
Week 4 | Thu Sep 25 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Sep 29 5:59pm MT |
Week 5 | Thu Oct 2 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Oct 6 5:59pm MT |
Week 6 | Thu Oct 9 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Oct 13 5:59pm MT |
Week 7 | Thu Oct 16 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Oct 20 5:59pm MT |
Week 8 | Thu Oct 23 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Oct 27 5:59pm MT |
Week 9 | Thu Oct 30 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Nov 3 5:59pm MT |
Week 10 | Thu Nov 6 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Nov 10 5:59pm MT |
Week 11 | Thu Nov 13 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Nov 17 5:59pm MT |
Week 12 | Thu Nov 20 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Nov 24 5:59pm MT |
Week 13 | Thu Nov 27 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Dec 1 5:59pm MT |
Week 14 | Thu Dec 4 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Dec 8 5:59pm MT |
Week 15 | Thu Dec 11 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Dec 15 5:59pm MT |
Week 16 | Thu Dec 18 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Dec 22 5:59pm MT |
Week 17 | Thu Dec 25 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Dec 29 5:59pm MT |
Week 18 | Thu Jan 1 3:00am MT | thru | Sun Jan 4 5:59pm MT |
Week 19 | Thu Jan 8 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Jan 12 5:59pm MT |
Week 20 | Thu Jan 15 3:00am MT | thru | Sun Jan 18 5:59pm MT |
Week 21 | Thu Jan 22 3:00am MT | thru | Sun Jan 25 5:59pm MT |
Week 22 | Thu Jan 29 3:00am MT | thru | Sun Feb 8 5:59pm MT |
Offseason | Thu Feb 12 3:00am MT | thru | Mon Feb 16 5:59pm MT |
Week 1 | Fri Feb 28 10:00pm MT | thru | Sun Sep 7 10:00am MT |
Week 2 | Tue Sep 9 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Sep 14 10:00am MT |
Week 3 | Tue Sep 16 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Sep 21 10:00am MT |
Week 4 | Tue Sep 23 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Sep 28 10:00am MT |
Week 5 | Tue Sep 30 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Oct 5 10:00am MT |
Week 6 | Tue Oct 7 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Oct 12 10:00am MT |
Week 7 | Tue Oct 14 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Oct 19 10:00am MT |
Week 8 | Tue Oct 21 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Oct 26 10:00am MT |
Week 9 | Tue Oct 28 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Nov 2 10:00am MT |
Week 10 | Tue Nov 4 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Nov 9 10:00am MT |
Week 11 | Tue Nov 11 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Nov 16 10:00am MT |
Week 12 | Tue Nov 18 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Nov 23 10:00am MT |
Week 13 | Tue Nov 25 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Nov 30 10:00am MT |
Week 14 | Tue Dec 2 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Dec 7 10:00am MT |
Week 15 | Tue Dec 9 5:00am MT | thru | Sun Dec 14 10:00am MT |
General | |
League Entry | $75 |
Wins and Losses | |
Losses | $7.5 |
Ties | $3.75 |
Wins Credit | $0 |
Roster Moves | |
Each Player Acquired | $12 |
Each Player Acquired via Waivers | $0 |
Each Player Acquired via Free Agency | $0 |
Each Player Released | $0 |
Each Player Placed on I/R | $1 |
Each Player Activated from I/R | $0 |
Lineup Moves | |
Each Player Started | $0 |
Each Player Benched | $0 |
Trades | |
Each Trade | $0 |
Each Player Traded Away | $0 |
Each Player Traded For | $5 |