Guest of the League
Fast Times Fantasy
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason

Power Rankings

TeamW/LPointsPower IndexW/LPointsSchedRoster
One Day I Will Win J18-72212.901.0003281
X-Fully Auto8-72067.850.7255766
Skoldiers 4 16-92070.350.724106104
The Silly Life 112-32309.000.69911212
TheilenPurdy 27-81969.950.69199115
Hurts Locker8-71980.250.6876897
CoachNJM 28-72210.300.61223111
Najee by Nature5-101760.150.607121242
Gooby-Doo 17-82102.500.5798539
Ptwisted Pteradactyls 33 (Win & Auto lose and IN)8-71892.500.525711410
SilverBull 25-101965.200.517111068