Guest of the League
Crusty Undies Football League Est. 2005
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1

NFL Transactions

Tuesday, Mar 11, 2025

ARIKyzir WhiteLBFA - OLB Kyzir White elected free agency.
ARIDennis GardeckOLBFA - OLB Dennis Gardeck elected free agency.
ARIWill HernandezOLFA - OL Will Hernandez elected free agency.
ARIZach PascalWRFA - WR Zach Pascal elected free agency.
ARIMatt PraterKFA - K Matt Prater elected free agency.
ARIZay JonesWRFA - WR Zay Jones elected free agency.
ARIKelvin BeachumOLFA - OL Kelvin Beachum elected free agency.
ATLLorenzo CarterOLBFA - OLB Lorenzo Carter elected free agency.
ATLJustin SimmonsSAFFA - S Justin Simmons elected free agency.
ATLMatt JudonOLBFA - OLB Matt Judon elected free agency.
ATLMike HughesCBFA - CB Mike Hughes elected free agency.
BALChris BoardLBREL - The Baltimore Ravens released LB Chris Board.
BALDiontae JohnsonWRFA - WR Diontae Johnson elected free agency.
BALPatrick RicardFBFA - FB Patrick Ricard elected free agency.
BALTre'Davious WhiteCBFA - CB Tre'Davious White elected free agency.
BALNelson AgholorWRFA - WR Nelson Agholor elected free agency.
BUFReggie GilliamFBFA - FB Reggie Gilliam elected free agency.
BUFAustin JohnsonDTFA - DT Austin Johnson elected free agency.
BUFDawuane SmootDEFA - DE Dawuane Smoot elected free agency.
BUFRasul DouglasCBFA - CB Rasul Douglas elected free agency.
BUFMack HollinsWRREL - The Buffalo Bills released WR Mack Hollins.
CARMiles SandersRBREL - The Carolina Panthers released RB Miles Sanders.
CARJohnny HekkerPFA - P Johnny Hekker elected free agency.
CARLonnie JohnsonSAFREL - The Carolina Panthers released SAF Lonnie Johnson.
CARShaq ThompsonLBFA - OLB Shaq Thompson elected free agency.
CARSam FranklinSAFFA - S Sam Franklin Jr. elected free agency.
CARJordan FullerSAFFA - S Jordan Fuller elected free agency.
CHIColeman SheltonOLFA - OL Coleman Shelton elected free agency.
CHILarry BoromOLREL - The Chicago Bears released OL Larry Borom.
CINMike HiltonCBFA - CB Mike Hilton elected free agency.
CINMarco WilsonCBFA - CB Marco Wilson elected free agency.
CINTrent BrownOTFA - OT Trent Brown elected free agency.
CLEJames Hudson IIITREL - The Cleveland Browns released T James Hudson.
CLEJameis WinstonQBFA - QB Jameis Winston elected free agency.
CLENick HarrisCFA - OC Nick Harris elected free agency.
DALBryan AngerPFA - P Bryan Anger elected free agency.
DALLinval JosephDTFA - DT Linval Joseph elected free agency.
DALBrandin CooksWRFA - WR Brandin Cooks elected free agency.
DALSolomon ThomasDLSGN - The Dallas Cowboys signed DL Solomon Thomas.
DALTrey LanceQBFA - QB Trey Lance elected free agency.
DALEric KendricksMLBFA - MLB Eric Kendricks elected free agency.
DALRobert JonesOLSGN - The Dallas Cowboys signed OL Robert Jones.
DALCooper RushQBFA - QB Cooper Rush elected free agency.
DETJohn CominskyDLFA - DL John Cominsky elected free agency.
DETEmmanuel MoseleyCBFA - CB Emmanuel Moseley elected free agency.
GBAJ DillonRBFA - RB AJ Dillon elected free agency.
GBEric StokesCBFA - CB Eric Stokes elected free agency.
GBCorey BallentineCBFA - CB Corey Ballentine elected free agency.
HOULaken TomlinsonGSGN - The Houston Texans signed G Laken Tomlinson.
HOUNeville HewittLBFA - LB Neville Hewitt elected free agency.
HOUDel'Shawn PhillipsLBFA - LB Del'Shawn Phillips elected free agency.
HOUChauncey Gardner-JohnsonSAFTRD - The Philadelphia Eagles traded S Gardner-Johnson to the Houston Texans.
HOUBraxton BerriosWRSGN - The Houston Texas signed WR Braxton Berrios.
HOUJerry HughesDEFA - DE Jerry Hughes elected free agency.
HOUJeff OkudahCBFA - CB Jeff Okudah elected free agency.
HOUCase KeenumQBFA - QB Case Keenum elected free agency.
HOURobert WoodsWRFA - WR Robert Woods elected free agency.
HOUM.J. StewartSAFFA - S M.J. Stewart elected free agency.
HOUFolorunso FatukasiDTFA - DT Folorunso Fatukasi elected free agency.
INDEJ SpeedLBFA - LB E.J. Speed elected free agency.
INDMo Alie-CoxTEFA - TE Mo Alie-Cox elected free agency.
INDDaniel JonesQBSGN - The Indianapolis Colts signed QB Daniel Jones.
INDJoe FlaccoQBFA - QB Joe Flacco elected free agency.
INDJulian BlackmonSAFFA - S Julian Blackmon elected free agency.
JAXMac JonesQBFA - QB Mac Jones elected free agency.
JAXEric MurraySAFSGN - The Jacksonville Jaguars signed S Eric Murray.
JAXAndre CiscoSAFREL - The Jacksonville Jaguars released SAF Andre Cisco.
KCJustin ReidSAFFA - S Justin Reid elected free agency.
KCJosh UcheDEFA - DE Joshua Uche elected free agency.
KCCarson WentzQBFA - QB Carson Wentz elected free agency.
KCKristian FultonCBSGN - The Kansas City Chiefs signed CB Kristian Fulton.
LACEaston StickQBFA - QB Easton Stick elected free agency.
LACDenzel PerrymanLBFA - LB Denzel Perryman elected free agency.
LACTaylor HeinickeQBFA - QB Taylor Heinicke elected free agency.
LACMorgan FoxDLFA - DL Morgan Fox elected free agency.
LACNajee HarrisRBSGN - The Los Angeles Chargers signed RB Najee Harris.
LACD.J. CharkWRFA - WR DJ Chark Jr. elected free agency.
LARJoe NoteboomOLFA - OL Joe Noteboom elected free agency.
LARDemarcus RobinsonWRFA - WR Demarcus Robinson elected free agency.
LVCody WhitehairOGFA - OG Cody Whitehair elected free agency.
LVMarcus EppsSAFFA - S Marcus Epps elected free agency.
LVK'Lavon ChaissonDEFA - DE K'Lavon Chaisson elected free agency.
LVLonnie JohnsonSAFSGN - The Las Vegas Raiders signed SAF Lonnie Johnson.
LVJohn JenkinsDTFA - DT John Jenkins elected free agency.
LVHarrison BryantTEFA - TE Harrison Bryant elected free agency.
MIAEmmanuel OgbahLBFA - LB Emmanuel Ogbah elected free agency.
MIAKendall LammTFA - OL Kendall Lamm elected free agency.
MIAJeff WilsonRBFA - RB Jeff Wilson Jr. elected free agency.
MIADuke RileyLBFA - LB Duke Riley elected free agency.
MIABraxton BerriosWRREL - The Miami Dolphins released WR Braxton Berrios.
MIATyrel DodsonLBFA - LB Tyrel Dodson elected free agency.
MIARobert JonesOLREL - The Miami Dolphins released OL Robert Jones.
MIALarry BoromOLSGN - The Miami Dolphins signed OL Larry Borom.
MIAJames DanielsOLSGN - The Miami Dolphins signed OL James Daniels.
MINShaquill GriffinCBFA - CB Shaq Griffin elected free agency.
MINJerry TilleryDLFA - DL Jerry Tillery elected free agency.
MINDaniel JonesQBFA - QB Daniel Jones elected free agency.
MINDalton RisnerGFA - OG Dalton Risner elected free agency.
MINJonathan BullardDLFA - DL Jonathan Bullard elected free agency.
MINStephon GilmoreCBFA - CB Stephon Gilmore elected free agency.
MINWill FriesGSGN - The Minnesota Vikings signed G Will Fries.
MINJonathan AllenDTSGN - The Minnesota Vikings signed DT Jonathan Allen.
NEDeatrich WiseDEFA - DE Mo Alie-Cox elected free agency.
NEJonathan JonesCBFA - CB Jonathan Jones elected free agency.
NEMack HollinsWRSGN - The New England Patriots signed WR Mack Hollins.
NEJacoby BrissettQBFA - QB Jacoby Brissett elected free agency.
NECarlton DavisCBSGN - The New England Patriots signed CB Carlton Davis.
NOChase YoungDESGN - The New Orleans Saints signed DE Chase Young.
NOTanoh KpassagnonDEFA - DE Tanoh Kpassagnon elected free agency.
NOPayton TurnerDEFA - DE Payton Turner elected free agency.
NOWillie Gay Jr.LBFA - LB Willie Gay Jr. elected free agency.
NYGJames Hudson IIITSGN - The New York Giants signed OT James Hudson.
NYGDrew LockQBFA - QB Drew Lock elected free agency.
NYGJevon HollandSAFSGN - The New York Giants signed S Jevon Holland.
NYGChris BoardLBSGN - The New York Giants signed LB Chris Board.
NYGIsaiah SimmonsSAFFA - LB Isaiah Simmons elected free agency.
NYJWes SchweitzerOLFA - OL Wes Schweitzer elected free agency.
NYJAndre CiscoSAFSGN - The New York Jets signed SAF Andre Cisco.
NYJTyler ConklinTEFA - TE Tyler Conklin elected free agency.
NYJIsaiah OliverCBFA - CB Isaiah Oliver elected free agency.
NYJAshtyn DavisSAFFA - S Ashtyn Davis elected free agency.
NYJLeki FotuDTFA - DT Leki Fotu elected free agency.
PHIBrandon GrahamDEFA - DE Brandon Graham elected free agency.
PHIKenyon GreenGTRD - The Houston Texans traded G Kenyon Green to the Philadelphia Eagles.
PITDamontae KazeeSAFFA - S Damontae Kazee elected free agency.
PITNate HerbigGFA - OG Nate Herbig elected free agency.
PITCJ HendersonCBFA - CB C.J. Henderson elected free agency
SEAPharaoh BrownTEFA - TE Pharaoh Brown elected free agency.
SFKevin GivensDLFA - DL Kevin Givens elected free agency.
SFKyle JuszczykFBREL - The San Francisco 49ers released FB Kyle Juszczyk.
SFDe'Vondre CampbellLBFA - LB De'Vondre Campbell Sr. elected free agency.
TBAnthony NelsonOLBFA - OLB Anthony Nelson elected free agency.
TBRiley DixonPSGN - The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed P Riley Dixon.
TBJoe Tryon-ShoyinkaOLBFA - OLB Joe Tryon-Shoyinka elected free agency.
TBGreg GainesDLFA - DL Greg Gaines elected free agency.
TENDaniel BrunskillOLFA - OL Daniel Brunskill elected free agency.
TENQuandre DiggsFSFA - S Quandre Diggs elected free agency.
TENNick FolkKFA - K Nick Folk elected free agency.
TENTyler BoydWRFA - WR Tyler Boyd elected free agency.
TENJerome BakerLBFA - LB Jerome Baker elected free agency.
TENMason RudolphQBFA - QB Mason Rudolph elected free agency.
WASMarcus MariotaQBFA - QB Marcus Mariota elected free agency.
WASMichael DavisCBFA - CB Michael Davis elected free agency.
WASK.J. OsbornWRFA - WR K.J. Osborn elected free agency.
WASClelin FerrellDEFA - DE Clelin Ferrell elected free agency.

Monday, Mar 10, 2025

ARIKhyiris TongaDLREL - The Arizona Cardinals released DL Khyiris Tonga.
ARIAkeem Davis-GaitherLBSGN - The Arizona Cardinals signed LB Akeem Davis-Gaither to the Cardinals.
ARIJosh SweatOLBSGN - The Arizona Cardinals signed OLB Josh Sweat.
ATLGrady JarrettDLREL - The Atlanta Falcons released DL Grady Jarrett.
BALBrandon StephensDBREL - The Baltimore Ravens released DB Brandon Stephens.
BALMalik HarrisonLBREL - The Baltimore Ravens released LB Malik Harrison.
BALPatrick MekariOLFA - OL Patrick Mekari elected free agency.
BUFJosh PalmerWRSGN - The Buffalo Bills signed WR Joshua Palmer.
BUFMichael HoechtOLBSGN - The Buffalo Bills signed OLB Michael Hoecht.
BUFAmari CooperWRFA - WR Amari Cooper elected free agency.
CARPatrick Jones IIOLBSGN - The Carolina Panthers signed DT Patrick Jones.
CARBobby Brown IIINTSGN - The Carolina Panthers signed NT Bobby Brown.
CARTershawn WhartonDTSGN - The Carolina Panthers signed DT Tershawn Wharton.
CARTrevon MoehrigSAFSGN - The Carolina Panthers signed S Tre'von Moehrig.
CHIGrady JarrettDLSGN - The Chicago Bears signed DL Grady Jarrett.
CHITeven JenkinsOLFA - OL Teven Jenkins elected free agency.
CHIKeenan AllenWRFA - WR Keenan Allen elected free agency.
CHIDayo OdeyingboDESGN - The Chicago Bears signed DE Dayo Odeyingbo.
CINTedarrell SlatonDLSGN - The Cincinnati Bengals signed DL T.J. Slaton.
CINOren BurksLBSGN - The Cincinnati Bengals signed LB Oren Burks.
CINAkeem Davis-GaitherLBREL - The Cincinnati Bengals released LB Akeem Davis-Gaither.
CINSamaje PerineRBSGN - The Cincinnati Bengals signed RB Samaje Perine.
CLEJedrick Wills Jr.TFA - OT Jedrick Wills Jr. elected free agency.
CLEElijah MooreWRFA - WR Elijah Moore elected free agency.
CLENick ChubbRBFA - RB Nick Chubb elected free agency.
CLEKenny PickettQBTRD - The Philadelphia Eagles traded QB Kenny Pickett to the Cleveland Browns.
DALJavonte WilliamsRBSGN - The Dallas Cowboys signed RB Javonte Williams.
DALChuma EdogaGREL - The Dallas Cowboys released G Chuma Edoga.
DALDemarcus LawrenceDEFA - DE DeMarcus Lawrence elected free agency.
DALRico DowdleRBFA - RB Rico Dowdle elected free agency.
DALChauncey GolstonDEFA - DE Chauncey Golston elected free agency.
DENCody BartonLBREL - The Denver Broncos released LB Cody Barton.
DENZach WilsonQBREL - The Denver Broncos released QB Zach Wilson.
DENJavonte WilliamsRBREL - The Denver Broncos released RB Javonte Williams.
DENTalanoa HufangaSAFSGN - The Denver Broncos signed S Talanoa Hufanga.
DEND.J. JonesDTFA - DT D.J. Jones elected free agency.
DENDre GreenlawLBSGN - The Denver Broncos signed LB Dre Greenlaw.
DETD.J. ReedCBSGN - The Detroit Lions signed CB D.J. Reed.
DETKevin ZeitlerGFA - OG Kevin Zeitler elected free agency.
GBNate HobbsCBSGN - The Green Bay Packers signed CB Nate Hobbs.
GBJosh MyersOLFA - OL Josh Myers elected free agency.
HOUStefon DiggsWRFA - WR Stefon Diggs elected free agency.
HOUSheldon RankinsDTSGN - The Houston Texans signed DT Sheldon Rankins.
HOUJustin WatsonWRSGN - The Houston Texans signed WR Justin Watson.
HOUDarrell TaylorDLSGN - The Houston Texans signed DL Darrell Taylor.
INDCamryn BynumSAFSGN - The Indianapolis Colts signed S Camryn Bynum.
INDRyan KellyCFA - OC Ryan Kelly elected free agency.
INDWill FriesGFA - OG Will Fries elected free agency.
INDCharvarius WardCBSGN - The Indianapolis Colts signed CB Charvarius Ward.
JAXRobert HainseyCSGN - The Jacksonville Jaguars signed C Robert Hainsey.
JAXChuma EdogaGSGN - The Jacksonville Jaguars signed G Chuma Edoga.
JAXDyami BrownWRSGN - The Jacksonville Jaguars signed WR Dyami Brown.
JAXPatrick MekariOLSGN - The Jacksonville Jaguars signed OL Patrick Mekari.
JAXBrandon ScherffOLFA - OL Brandon Scherff elected free agency.
JAXHunter LongTESGN - The Jacksonville Jaguars signed TE Hunter Long.
KCJustin WatsonWRFA - WR Justin Watson declared free agency.
KCCharles OmenihuDEFA - DE Charles Omenihu elected free agency.
KCTershawn WhartonDTFA - DT Tershawn Wharton elected free agency.
KCJaylon MooreOLSGN - The Kansas City Chiefs signed LB Jaylon Moore.
KCDeAndre HopkinsWRFA - WR DeAndre Hopkins elected free agency.
LACJosh PalmerWRFA - WR Joshua Palmer elected free agency.
LACPoona FordDTFA - DT Poona Ford elected free agency.
LACJ.K. DobbinsRBFA - RB J.K. Dobbins elected free agency.
LACDonte JacksonCBSGN - The Los Angeles Chargers signed CB Donte Jackson.
LACGus EdwardsRBREL - The Los Angeles Chargers released RB Gus Edwards.
LARMichael HoechtOLBREL - The Los Angeles Rams released OLB Michael Hoecht.
LARBobby Brown IIINTREL - The Los Angele Rams released NT Bobby Brown.
LARHunter LongTEFA - TE Hunter Long elected free agency.
LVJeremy ChinnSAFSGN - The Las Vegas Raiders signed SAF Jeremy Chinn.
LVRobert SpillaneLBFA - LB Robert Spillane elected free agency.
LVMalcolm KoonceDEFA - DE Malcolm Koonce elected free agency.
LVMalcolm KoonceDESGN - The Las Vegas Raiders signed DE Malcolm Koonce.
MIAZach WilsonQBSGN - The Miami Dolphins signed QB Zach Wilson.
MINBubba BoldenSAFSGN - The Minnesota Vikings signed SAF Bubba Bolden.
MINRyan KellyCSGN - The Minnesota Vikings signed C Ryan Kelly.
MINPatrick Jones IIOLBREL - The Minnesota Vikings released OLB Patrick Jones.
MINCam RobinsonOTFA - OT Cam Robinson elected free agency.
NEKhyiris TongaDLSGN - The New England Patriots signed DL Khyiris Tonga.
NEJoshua DobbsQBSGN - The New England Patriots signed QB Joshua Dobbs.
NEMilton WilliamsDTSGN - The New England Patriots signed DT Milton Williams.
NOJuwan JohnsonTEFA - TE Juwan Johnson elected free agency.
NODavon GodchauxDTTRD - The New England Patriots traded DT Davon Godchaux to the New Orleans Saints.
NOChase YoungDEFA - DE Chase Young elected free agency.
NYGAzeez OjulariOLBFA - OLB Azeez Ojulari elected free agency.
NYGDarius SlaytonWRFA - WR Darius Slayton elected free agency.
NYGRoy Robertson-HarrisDTSGN - The New York Giants signed DT Roy Robertson-Harris.
NYJBrandon StephensDBSGN - The New York Jets signed Brandon Stephens.
NYJTyron SmithOLFA - OL Tyron Smith elected free agency.
NYJD.J. ReedCBREL - The New York Jets released CB D.J. Reed.
NYJJustin FieldsQBSGN - The New York Jets signed QB Justin Fields.
PHIOren BurksLBREL - The Philadelphia Eagles released LB Oren Burks.
PHIDorian Thompson-RobinsonQBTRD - The Cleveland Browns traded QB Dorian Thompson-Robinson to the Philadelphia Eagles.
PHIJosh SweatOLBFA - OLB Josh Sweat elected free agency.
PHIKenneth GainwellRBFA - RB Kenneth Gainwell elected free agency.
PHIMekhi BectonTFA - OT Mekhi Becton elected free agency.
PITLarry OgunjobiDTREL - The Pittsburgh Steelers released DT Larry Ogunjobi.
PITNajee HarrisRBFA - RB Najee Harris elected free agency.
PITMalik HarrisonLBSGN - The Pittsburgh Steelers signed LB Malik Harrison.
PITJames DanielsOLFA - OL James Daniels elected free agency.
PITMike WilliamsWRFA - WR Mike Williams elected free agency.
PITDonte JacksonCBREL - The Pittsburgh Steelers released CB Donte Jackson.
PITJustin FieldsQBFA - QB Justin Fields elected free agency.
PITDan Moore Jr.OTFA - OT Dan Moore Jr. elected free agency.
PITD.K. MetcalfWRTRD - The Seattle Seahawks traded WR DK Metcalf to the Pittsburgh Steelers.
SEASam DarnoldQBSGN - The Seattle Seahawks signed QB Sam Darnold.
SFTalanoa HufangaSAFFA - S Talanoa Hufanga elected free agency.
SFDre GreenlawLBFA - LB Dre Greenlaw elected free agency.
SFElijah MitchellRBFA - RB Elijah Mitchell elected free agency.
SFCharvarius WardCBREL - The San Francisco 49ers released CB Charvarius Ward.
SFAaron BanksOLFA - OL Aaron Banks elected free agency.
SFLuke FarrellTESGN - The San Francisco 49ers signed TE Luke Farrell.
TBRobert HainseyCREL - The Tampa Bay Buccaneers released C Robert Hainsey.
TBHaason ReddickLBSGN - The Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed LB Haason Reddick.
TENCody BartonLBSGN - The Tennessee Titans signed LB Cody Barton.
WASJeremy ChinnSAFREL - The Washington Commanders released SAF Jeremy Chinn.
WASDante FowlerLBFA - DE Dante Fowler Jr. elected free agency.
WASLaremy TunsilTTRD - The Houston Texans traded OT Laremy Tunsil to the Washington Commanders.

Sunday, Mar 9, 2025

BUFVon MillerLBREL - The Buffalo Bills released LB Von Miller.
DETZa'Darius SmithDLREL - The Detroit Lions released DL Za’Darius Smith.
LARDavante AdamsWRSGN - The Los Angeles Rams signed WR Davante Adams.
NEHarold LandryOLBSGN - The New England Patriots signed OLB Harold Landry III.
SFMaliek CollinsDLREL - The San Francisco 49ers released DT Maliek Collins.

Friday, Mar 7, 2025

JAXJosh ReynoldsWRREL - The Jacksonville Jaguars released WR Josh Reynolds.
JAXRonald DarbyCBREL - The Jacksonville Jaguars released CB Ronald Darby.
LVTomari FoxDTREL - The Las Vegas Raiders waived DT Tomari Fox.
LVGeno SmithQBTRD - The Seattle Seahawks traded QB Geno Smith to the Las Vegas Raiders.
SFTre'Vius Hodges-TomlinsonDBCL - The San Francisco 49ers claimed DB Tre Tomlinson off waivers from the Los Angeles Rams.
TENHarold LandryOLBREL - The Tennessee Titans released OLB Harold Landry III.
WASJonathan AllenDTREL - The Washington Commanders released DT Jonathan Allen.

Thursday, Mar 6, 2025

Brian AllenCRET - C Brian Allen retired from the NFL.
BUFSam MartinPREL - The Buffalo Bills released P Sam Martin.
CHIDurham SmytheTESGN - The Chicago Bears signed TE Durham Smythe.
HOUChristian KirkWRTRD - The Jacksonville Jaguars traded WR Christian Kirk to the Houston Texans.
INDRaekwon DavisDTREL - The Indianapolis Colts released DT Raekwon Davis.
JAXDevin DuvernayWRREL - The Jacksonville Jaguars released WR Devin Duvernay.
JAXMitch MorseOLRET - Jacksonville Jaguars OL Mitch Morse retired from the NFL.
JAXEvan EngramTEREL - The Jacksonville Jaguars released TE Evan Engram.
LACJoey BosaOLBREL - The Los Angeles Chargers released OLB Joey Bosa.
SFJavon HargraveDLREL - The San Francisco 49ers released DL Javon Hargrave.

Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025

CHIJoe ThuneyGTRD - The Kansas City Chiefs traded G Joe Thuney to the Chicago Bears.
CINSam HubbardDERET - Cincinnati Bengals retired DE Sam Hubbard from the NFL.
INDRyan CollCWA - The Indianapolis Colts waived C Ryan Coll.
LARTre'Vius Hodges-TomlinsonDBWA - The Los Angeles Rams waived DB Tre Tomlinson.
LVAlex CappaGSGN - The Las Vegas Raiders signed G Alex Cappa.
SEATyler LockettWRREL - The Seattle Seahawks released WR Tyler Lockett.

Tuesday, Mar 4, 2025

CHIJonah JacksonOLTRD - The Los Angeles Rams traded OL Jonah Jackson to the Chicago Bears.
KCBlake LynchLBSGN - The Kansas City Chiefs signed LB Blake Lynch.
NOJamaal WilliamsRBREL - The New Orleans Saints released RB Jamaal Williams.
NYJDavante AdamsWRREL - The New York Jets released WR Davante Adams.
SEADre'Mont JonesLBREL - The Seattle Seahawks released LB Dre'Mont Jones.
SEARoy Robertson-HarrisDTREL - The Seattle Seahawks released DT Roy Robertson-Harris.
SEARayshawn JenkinsSSREL - The Seattle Seahawks released S Rayshawn Jenkins.
SEAGeorge FantTREL - The Seattle Seahawks released T George Fant.

Monday, Mar 3, 2025

CINAlex CappaGREL - The Cincinnati Bengals released G Alex Cappa.
PHIDarius SlayCBREL - The Philadelphia Eagles released CB Darius Slay.