Guest of the League
The Martians Have Landsd
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason
Dark-Horse921 Wed Oct 16 8:07am CT

We finished 6th out of 43 teams. No wins last Sunday!

$30 - New England Cowboys Tue Oct 15 6:51am CT
Did you at least win the fishing tournament?
Dark-Horse921 Mon Oct 14 7:16pm CT
The rest of the message got cut off. It wasn’t intentional and won’t happen again. Again, sorry guys!
Dark-Horse921 Mon Oct 14 5:58pm CT
Hey Guys,
I wanted to reach out to the entire league and apologize for the Roster blunder that occurred with my team yesterday. I had planned it set my lineup yesterday morning. I was in a bass fishing tournament, and didn’t realize I had left my phone in the truck until the tournament started and I was across the lake. I wasn’t able to add a QB and Kicker. I know there’s not a ton of money on the line, but I still feel like I screwed more than just myself. It wasn’t intentional and it won’t happe
Silence of the Ceedee Lamb 1 Fri Oct 11 10:07am CT
Cal Can, you could at least reject the trade if you’re not interested