Guest of the League
Fantasy Championship 9/3 8:00pm ET #3
Championship $300 - FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason
DMD Into the Fray Mon Nov 18 7:58am CT
You’ll notice that players with a week 14 bye do fall some in drafts. That’s probably why you saw the value in them when you drafted.
Dawgzs Mon Nov 18 7:56am CT

First year in this competition, will plan better next year.


TerryTable 3 Fri Nov 15 6:30pm CT
If only these “bye weeks” and this “playoff schedule” if they are in fact real were something you could know about and plan for.

Really unfair to you
Dawgzs Fri Nov 15 1:15pm CT

Week 14 bye, is it fair to have playoffs with so many out that week, I’m I missing something, I’m screwed