Guest of the League
Thursday Night Fotball
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason
My House 24 Tue Jun 18 6:56am CT
SnicksCrew 2 Mon Jun 17 9:49pm CT
It always happens, they think they’re being smart…yea there are roster moves prior to week 1
My House 24 Mon Jun 17 9:29pm CT
I'm ok with it. I've got him week #1
Roachmotel 3 Mon Jun 17 7:16pm CT
They should forfeit there match
Sorcerers 1 Mon Jun 17 6:47pm CT


I noticed 1 team did not draft a kicker and a defense.  Are there waiver pick ups prior to the first game?  

if not since they cannot field a full team how does that work for the game?