High Stakes $125 - FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason
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Mr.BossDaddyTue Dec 24 6:43pm ET
Baffles me. I'm just glad I don't have to worry with tomorrow's games, but I'm sure others do.
Philip Proud
Never Too EarlyTue Dec 24 6:42pm ET
I don’t understand. Why would some high stakes leagues be on the 24th and others are on the 25th. I can’t check on this league because I didn’t make the playoffs but I have waivers in for 2 other leagues with the same rules.
Jeffrey Johnson
Mr.BossDaddyTue Dec 24 6:39pm ET
That's what I'd expect to be the case. These leagues have to adapt to the NFL schedule.
Philip Proud
Never Too EarlyTue Dec 24 6:29pm ET
In my high stakes leagues on RT that I made the playoffs waivers run tonight
Jeffrey Johnson
Mr.BossDaddyTue Dec 24 5:56pm ET
Merry Christmas all. Anyone else think it's weird that our first waiver doesn't clear until the night after the first two games of the week?