Thanks Waino. Appreciate it. If you win something cool split it with me will ya? Lol. It was a great season I knew my luck was going to run out eventually.
Chirs McGee
*Adam WainwrightMon Dec 23 10:46pm CT
It’s with a heavy heart that I move on. Will try and win it for you McGee
Adam Wainwright
*Human Rain DelayMon Dec 23 10:42pm CT
Fun to watch guys. Great competition! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone. 🙂
Russ Vanderbeek
*The RockMon Dec 23 10:30pm CT
That's wild. Holy smokes. Great game McGee and waino.
Magdee Abdallah
*McGeeMon Dec 23 10:15pm CT
Dang. Well at least it made watching New Orleans fun.
Chirs McGee
*Adam WainwrightMon Dec 23 10:11pm CT
I’m in too many leagues to remember tie breaker rules! I thought I had this one in the bag until you came storming back!
Adam Wainwright
*Adam WainwrightMon Dec 23 10:11pm CT
So MustseeTV just told me the tie breaker is by QB points
Adam Wainwright
*McGeeMon Dec 23 10:11pm CT
Isn’t this kinda your league so you make the rules commish.