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Superbowl review

By Hanuman's Unbeatables Tue Dec 31 10:17am ET
Updated by Hanuman's Unbeatables Tue Dec 31 10:18am ET
Caption Below

Wood Chucked Aside by Giant Wedgie Machine

The Wegians Giant Wedgie Luck Machine leaves no doubt as they score nearly 200 pts to chuck Wood far far away in a decisive victory in the Superbowl.  Haitians take down the Lambs in the Toilet Bowl.

This week is the Free for All and the race for total points up for grabs between Wood, Elvis and yes the Wedgies, who finished 8th in scoring after the regular season is now 3rd and 65 points behind Wood.  Can Elvis or Wood hold off the Wegians or will they succumb to one big giant Wedgie.