Guest of the League
Monkeys Business Est. 2001
FFL: Offseason | NFL: Offseason

Commissioner Note

Update: all fees collected and winnings have been distributed. Playoff league winners distribution will distributed after Superbowl.

Head Bangers win Free for All as Hanuman comes in just 10 points short.

You all have paid for you Playoff League so don't forget to draft and get your lineup in this week.  First games are Saturday.

And, of course don't forget to pay your fees (Mitch, Rican, Super Paurs) this week. 

Winnings League Fees Transactions
DeadElvis Round 2 Loser 40 45 9
Wegians Super Bowl Winner 260 45 15
Haitians Round 1 Loser Toilet Bowl Winner 20 45 6
Idiot Savants Round 2 Loser 40 45 19
LA Lambs Round 1 Loser 45 16
Wood Super Bowl Loser Total Points Winner 135 45 29
Slyme 120 45 25
Super Paurs 45 13
Hanuman 45 13
Head Bangers Free for All winner 65 45 20
Mitch 45 11
Ricans Survivor Pool Lead 45 24
540 200 740 Total Xaction + league Fees
After week 18 Winnings should be $60 less all Fees & Transactions 680 100 = 1/2 Xaction Total
Total Points = 35 Remaining Transaction = 1/2 Transactions -FFA Winner Xactions
Free for All = 65 League fees paid
Playoff League Winner Ricans 60 Playoff League = 60 $5 of fees are for playoff league
                         Winnings Total Fees Fees Paid Total Owed
DeadElvis 40 54 45 -31
Wegians 260 60 45 -245
Haitians 20 51 45 -14
Idiot Savants 40 64 45 -21
LA Lambs 0 61 61 0
Wood 135
Slyme 120 70 45 -95
Super Paurs 0 58 45 13
Hanuman 0 58 58 0
Head Bangers 65 65 45 -45
Mitch 0 56 45 11
Ricans 69 45 24
Total 680 740
Playoff league winner = (60)
Survivor Pool winner = Slyme (120)
Superbowl winner = Wegians (160+1/2 Xaction)
Total Pts Winner = (1/2 Xaction-Free for all winnings)
FFA Winner = (League fee +Xaction fees)


Last Updated: Tue Jan 7 1:47pm ET