Guest of the League
Just Killin' Time
Slam Dunk - $20 - Fantasy Week 20 | NBA Week 20


Fantasy Week 1 - NBA Week 1

killin time out761.0vsA.I. Computer Picks943.5
Hardwoods786.5vsMiniMe SD20/3997.2
Leftovers1030.0vsBball King959.2
CELTICS 19th842.8vsBalls to the Walls947.8
mead 1920.8vsThe Giannis Antetoko1099.2

Fantasy Week 2 - NBA Week 2

killin time out1081.8vsMiniMe SD20/31160.5
A.I. Computer Picks1164.8vsHardwoods1162.0
Leftovers1045.5vsCELTICS 19th1107.8
Balls to the Walls1188.0vsThe Giannis Antetoko1146.0
Bball King992.8vsmead 11272.8

Fantasy Week 3 - NBA Week 3

killin time out1016.2vsCELTICS 19th1198.2
A.I. Computer Picks1091.8vsLeftovers1208.5
Hardwoods1208.8vsBalls to the Walls1449.2
MiniMe SD20/31234.8vsmead 11194.8
Bball King1341.5vsThe Giannis Antetoko1184.5

Fantasy Week 4 - NBA Week 4

killin time out1010.0vsHardwoods1138.8
A.I. Computer Picks1017.8vsMiniMe SD20/3965.0
Leftovers897.2vsmead 11266.0
CELTICS 19th1051.5vsThe Giannis Antetoko1139.2
Balls to the Walls1180.8vsBball King1136.0

Fantasy Week 5 - NBA Week 5

killin time out1101.0vsLeftovers1094.8
A.I. Computer Picks1001.5vsCELTICS 19th1188.5
Hardwoods877.0vsBball King1006.8
MiniMe SD20/3996.8vsBalls to the Walls1121.2
mead 1941.8vsThe Giannis Antetoko1056.0

Fantasy Week 6 - NBA Week 6

killin time out1180.8vsBalls to the Walls1353.2
A.I. Computer Picks944.5vsLeftovers1335.0
Hardwoods1130.8vsCELTICS 19th1096.5
MiniMe SD20/3970.2vsmead 11182.0
Bball King1187.2vsThe Giannis Antetoko723.5

Fantasy Week 7 - NBA Week 7

killin time out1173.0vsBball King1184.2
A.I. Computer Picks980.8vsHardwoods1151.5
Leftovers1328.0vsCELTICS 19th1180.8
MiniMe SD20/31274.2vsThe Giannis Antetoko1027.0
Balls to the Walls1385.8vsmead 11034.2

Fantasy Week 10 - NBA Week 10

killin time out1271.8vsCELTICS 19th1151.8
A.I. Computer Picks1156.2vsBalls to the Walls1034.0
Hardwoods1305.0vsBball King1248.5
Leftovers966.0vsmead 1958.8
MiniMe SD20/31102.0vsThe Giannis Antetoko880.5

Fantasy Week 11 - NBA Week 11

killin time out1131.0vsHardwoods1067.8
A.I. Computer Picks1162.2vsBball King1302.5
Leftovers920.5vsThe Giannis Antetoko1106.8
CELTICS 19th1008.8vsMiniMe SD20/31249.5
Balls to the Walls1233.2vsmead 1762.8

Fantasy Week 12 - NBA Week 12

killin time out1043.5vsmead 1651.5
A.I. Computer Picks1017.5vsMiniMe SD20/31327.8
CELTICS 19th960.2vsBball King847.8
Balls to the Walls1115.2vsThe Giannis Antetoko1254.2

Fantasy Week 13 - NBA Week 13

killin time out1088.8vsLeftovers1377.5
A.I. Computer Picks876.5vsmead 1800.0
Hardwoods1176.8vsThe Giannis Antetoko1041.8
CELTICS 19th876.8vsBalls to the Walls1019.2
MiniMe SD20/31248.5vsBball King1301.0

Fantasy Week 14 - NBA Week 14

killin time out976.0vsCELTICS 19th1281.0
A.I. Computer Picks971.2vsThe Giannis Antetoko1138.8
Hardwoods1064.0vsmead 1973.0
Leftovers1089.8vsMiniMe SD20/31221.8
Balls to the Walls967.8vsBball King1017.5

Fantasy Week 15 - NBA Week 15

killin time out1140.0vsMiniMe SD20/31357.0
A.I. Computer Picks825.0vsBball King1168.0
Hardwoods928.5vsBalls to the Walls1178.8
Leftovers1404.8vsThe Giannis Antetoko1285.2
CELTICS 19th908.8vsmead 1895.5

Fantasy Week 16 - NBA Week 16

killin time out1294.5vsThe Giannis Antetoko816.0
A.I. Computer Picks1061.8vsmead 1780.8
Hardwoods1101.2vsCELTICS 19th1165.0
Leftovers1135.0vsBalls to the Walls1358.8
MiniMe SD20/31322.8vsBball King1085.8

Fantasy Week 17/18 - NBA Week 17

killin time out837.2vsBball King741.0
A.I. Computer Picks651.2vsThe Giannis Antetoko698.5
Hardwoods771.8vsmead 1522.0
Leftovers751.8vsCELTICS 19th922.8
MiniMe SD20/3673.8vsBalls to the Walls737.8

Fantasy Week 19 - NBA Week 19

killin time out1232.2vsmead 1973.2
A.I. Computer Picks783.0vsBalls to the Walls1200.5
Hardwoods981.2vsThe Giannis Antetoko1111.0
Leftovers964.5vsBball King1270.5
CELTICS 19th1146.0vsMiniMe SD20/31186.8

Playoff Week 1 - NBA Week 22

No Games Scheduled

Playoff Week 2 - NBA Week 23

No Games Scheduled

Playoff Week 3 - NBA Week 24

No Games Scheduled

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