Guest of the League
Sit and Go 4hr 30 IV FR
Franchise - $30 - Fantasy Week 20 | NBA Week 20

Sun Mar 9

NuggetsatThunder12:00pm CT
DEN 103
OKC 127
SunsatMavericks2:30pm CT
PHX 125
DAL 116
GrizzliesatPelicans6:00pm CT
MEM 107
NOP 104
Jazzat76ers6:30pm CT
UTA 116
PHI 120
CavaliersatBucks7:00pm CT
CLE 79
MIL 72
SpursatTimberwolves7:00pm CT
SAS 94
MIN 109
PistonsatTrail Blazers8:00pm CT
DET 41
POR 34
KingsatClippers8:30pm CT
SAC 10
LAC 10

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